S***ine's - imho they are horrible!


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6 Aug 2001
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Re: S***ine\'s - imho they are horrible!

Kimmmerised due to Animal lobby.

Ther are not yet ay approved versions of S*****es that look like pontoons, please apply to Natural History Museum...

S*** , avbout to miss flight...BYE

...I wanna boat please..


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16 May 2001
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What happened here?

Incidentally, I've been busy so missed some threads. I keep seeing references to Kimmerisation and Sealine. Did the Sealine F33 post (re TCM's mate) get Kimmerised? Strewth, are we no longer allowed to say what we think? Customer complaint is always the best form of feedback, Sealine should like it.

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by kimhollamby on 08/10/2002 16:30 (server time).</FONT></P>


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16 May 2001
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Just making sure

Ah right. Piecing it together now. I missed your original thread, but I must say Sealines do indeed resemble pontoons.


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Re: S***ine\'s - imho they are horrible!

You'd think they would get to realise, that the more a thread is Kimerised, the more attention it gets. The first one would have quietly drifted away by now.

I've said this before but will say again. I was in Deillete this summer with Dom and another bloke in a "sardine" about 30ft same year as mine. Anyway it was the bloke who did'nt like charts so used autoroute. But his sardine was knackered, orible, Dropping in bits!!

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11 Jan 2002
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can i hear him running down the corridor!

As i was saying earlier, pontoons warrant a close look.

You'll always find plenty of cleats and they're all very very sturdy. A classic design means that they always look good -and that not the only thing in their favour. Sturdy construction, beefy electrics to name but two! Always in massive demand, pontoons were very popular at the recebt boat show AND real teak with lots of engine options for river use.


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5 Mar 2002
Cote d'Azur
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Re: can i hear him running down the corridor!

Yeagh but raise the old question, sterndrives or shafts on your pontoons, which is best, cheaper performance pontoons or sturdy shafts.

I've got twin yahama ouboards on mine!!

yada yada..


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5 Mar 2002
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Re: can i hear him running down the corridor!

Yeagh but raise the old question, sterndrives or shafts on your pontoons, which is best, cheaper performance pontoons or sturdy shafts.

I've got twin yahama ouboards on mine!!

yada yada..


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Re: can i hear him running down the corridor!

Loads of plug sockets. You could run anything off them and a good anchor as well. There great at rafting up to due to there unfettered straight clean lines. Much better than a sardine.
Hmm. Engine options. Suppose it would have to be outdrives at one end else need a gallery in the middle, sort of a fly bridge version.

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6 Aug 2001
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Kim..we need YOU!!

And come to think of it :-
a) The Pontoon comes in 220volt
b) Is 'Open' cockpits o occasionally Med-compatible
c) Is Eco-friendly ( No rain forests i.e. wood required here)
d) The pontoon is totally stable at less than 20 knots
f) the pontoon has reall access for real human beings
g) and wil ast more than 2 yrs//////

Sorry David ...but hav etaken pity on guy trying to 'sell' C39 over at cannes BS. jOB FROM h**L

...I wanna boat please..


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Re: Kim..we need YOU!!

And the big plus point. No more marina fees. Every one else pays you!!/forums/images/icons/laugh.gif

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16 May 2001
Berkshire, Somerset, Hampshire
Re: What happened here?

Great illustration of the problem I had gently tried to deal with in earlier threads.

Birchwood per se is not in receivership - to suggest such invites an immediate solicitor's letter as I believe another publisher may have come close to discovering. Have doctored your post accordingly. One of three companies in the Birchwood group is in administration, or was the last time we heard anything.

Some of the recent Sealine threads have attracted repetitive posts from one user who reckons he had a bad time at the boat show (I don't know whether he did or not but the Sealine chairman did at least respond on one of the first of those many posts) and quite a few references to subjective stuff about the fact that the boats fall apart after two years (they don't) and suffer catastrophic structural problems as a breed (they don't).

The whole F33 thread went because there was repetition of this kind of stuff and I didn't have time to weed it out where it was legally suspect; got a bit busy the other day with other people who are suffering the male/forum equivalent of PMT. Plus TCM suggested the thread should come off when I pointed out that the original post had served once again just to trigger off the scratched record routine.

That kind of rubbish doesn't give the great and the good here much scope for making a reasoned point that can be believed. Okay, so some don't like anything much unless it gets built to the kind of standard that attracts a seven-figure price tag. Fine. In other cases people hate aspects of the Sealine finishes/materials/style and so on. Again fine.

But can we move on in terms of the outright slagging, please?



11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: Aargh! Nearly receiving a solicitor\'s letter!


Note to all users: receiving a soictiors letter is not always cause for alarm. I will often get leagls to fire off a letter, and ooer they get all worried. But they are not like notice of setting dates at Court (where you can indeed get a bit wurrid)

But "nearly" receiving a solicitors letter and then not geting one but the company writes and says they are considering it means that they've rung the solictor and the solicitor has toldem not to bother, and that they will lose. When it's time to call the police, you callem. When it isn't, you threaten.

So a part of the birchwood group is in administration. Ooer, and someone reported it as "being in adminstration". Surely not much case to bring here really. The whole group is a gang of companies anyway, large companies always are for exactly this reason - to hang on to lumps of it when it goes wrong. It would be a good trick indeed if each B'wood company has gone pop simultaneously.

IMHO this is a small forum, and this isn't the first time that there have been adverse opinions against certain products and it sure won't be the last. But they are opinions. Much worse opinions regarding rover down below.

Note also that i don't see why opinions need be confined to mechancial fact. Saying that a boat "drops to bits" is a form of speech, as is software that is described as "bugridden" or a professional who is described as "incompetent".

And at the level of £40k boats, "doing the job" or "not falling apart" is the very minimum acceptable. This is a luxury market, so whilst others might be able to make faster cars or better shoes, ferrari and prada respectively wil outsell them every day. Those companies spend an enourmous amount of time and effort and care protecting that image partly with the producty and partly through very careful attention to the detailing - exactly the sort of complaints that the manufacturer in question could deal with quite easily.

As far as i can see, we're doing Mr Wainwright a big favour. He got a wide range of views from 100 or so boaties, some pro, some agin. He could easily put matters right, actually listed for him by some posts. Perhaps YBW should send him an invoice for the expertise and/or commercial use of the site.

Of course, the t's and c's can mean that er what KH says goes, ah well.


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6 Aug 2001
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I do NOT understand

So Kim...

Why is it that any post about the Worcester-based company is reviewed as if a house-post. Each ofus is prepared to beliable for the content of what we write and generally you exercise a VERY aduly view of what is posted on the site.

I have no axe to grind whatsoever , BUT why are you so protective of c-line? I have been particularly agrresive towards Sunseeker and its salesforce, claims which I would willingly support in court or to Mr Braithwaite or ANY FORUM. If anything I play down my experiences.

Yet , any mention of c_line and the hamme comes out .Please assue the whole forum this has NOTHINg to do with sponsorship or similar.

I am a simple being who accepts the bviews of others , except whn they are prejudiced in any way.

Are we being inappropraite ? R we being unduly critical just for the hell of it?

I am NOT..

(from H/Express..PDA en force)

...I wanna boat please..