Rudest reply 2002


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3 Jan 2002
London via the midlands and the Celtic isles
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I refer to the reply posted back to a new user (see Hamble anode) by a certain Solitaire. This has really got my back up. This forum is about sharing opinion and advice not being rude and patronising. As a relatively new user it is sometimes difficult to post a question out of fear of a reply typical of Solitaire. There were plenty of useful posts on this thread however but....

Can anyone think of a ruder reply?<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by Dominic_Byers on Tue Mar 12 17:02:02 2002 (server time).</FONT></P>


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3 Sep 2001
Ravenglass, Cumbria
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I totally agree. This forum is all about sailors helping sailors with the myriad problems that come from owning a boat. In particular, I would always like to think that guys new to sailing/boat owning which can involve a very steep learning curve should be able to call on the expertise and experience of us all, who, lets be honest, have been in the same situation at some time in the dim and distant past. As to Solitaire's comment "cant you read a chart", it just beggars belief. What must he be like to sail with??. Good company or what?


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21 Dec 2001
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Its normal that rude ppl express there veiws on these sites where they can do it with impunity.....saves them getting a smack in the teeth in the real world.
Proberbly hen pecked to.



I signed up to this board as a complete novice in the complex world of boat buying and boat ownership, looking for information which would help me decide whether I could take the plunge.

I had to ask some very fundamental and basic questions, not helped by the fact that the boat I was buying was old, wooden and ex-hire fleet - all things guaranteed to bring their own horrible set of problems.

All my questions were met with a friendly, helpful attitude. I would almost go so far as to say that these forums gave me the confidence to go ahead and start looking for the real-life boat instead if the fantasy one I'd been sailing in for so long.

People have got a tiny bit impatient with me for, as they saw it, caring more about the state of her varnish than the state of their engine. But that's just a matter of attitude, and told me that I should have been posting that particular enquiry in the classic forum rather than in PBO.

I've also had a few humdinging good arguments, but mainly when I've gone looking for them, and always good, healthy exchanges of opinion - even in the Scuttlebutt!

You've got something really good here - don't for Heaven's sake spoil it by getting abusive and scaring people off.

I feel quite happy enough to post information in my user profile, enable private messages and even to admit to being one of those female 'guys' - and I'm always very cautious about doing any of these things on the web.

I now have a shiny new survey report in my hand and, as soon as I've had time to look at it properly, I'll be back to the boards for advice. Please don't spoil things.

I'm sure the current of 'pbo-lic opinion' is strong enough that it won't happen. Also I hope Kim is watching, because I would like him to say, if he can, what the editorial policy is to this sort of thing.

Does he take a laissez-faire attitude and let it sort itself out, as it obviously is doing here? At what point would he intervene? Do people think he should, or would they prefer moderators to stay well out of it? My guess is the latter - after all, people rarely welcome interference, but it would be interesting to see.

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by The_Fruitbat on Tue Mar 12 17:37:36 2002 (server time).</FONT></P>


16 May 2001
UK -Berks
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You don't know how close to the truth you are. I have been on the Net for over a decade and my experience is that the aggressive ones are the Wimpy ones, they can hide behind the anonyminity of the Net acting like "Jack the Lad" something they would never dare do in the real world.



Re: Problems elsewhere

Curiously, someone else seems to have been having a problem this weekend - interested parties should visit the Forum and look at the thread entitled Abuse.

Heartily glad that Kim etc seem to be stamping on it before it starts up in earnest.


Active member
16 May 2001
Berkshire, Somerset, Hampshire

I can assure everyone here that we are quite clear on our terms and conditions regarding reasonable behaviour and abuse of users. We will act by editing unnecessary comments and we will, in very extreme cases, suspend membership or even ban users if that becomes the only realistic way of keeping a happy medium between responsible debate, information exchange and lighthearted fun.

Fortunately we rarely have to edit, let alone ban anyone...I'd like to keep it that way.

Please however bear in mind that this is not a fully moderated forum. If it was, we would have to approve every post prior to publication, much of the spontaneity would be lost and users (particularly those on time zones far removed from GMT) would have to wait to see their messages arrive. However we do monitor all forums across a wide time range, seven days a week. If you see an offensive post, feel that you have been insulted in an aggressive and unnecessary fashion, or see a post that flaunts the terms and conditions in other ways and believe we might have missed it, please hit the fourth icon on the row of four icons at the foot of the post (the funny little circle with a rectangle in it) and you'll get a screen with a button that allows you to notify a moderator.

I would also appreciate it if you would, whenever possible, ignore any offensive post but report it (unless blood pressure forces the fingers to the keyboard). Some of the most spectacular flames come from inevitable slanging matches that evolve with amazing pace on occasions.

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19 Jan 2002
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I am sure nobody wants to be deliberatly rude and two wrongs don't make a right also let him without sin throw the first stone comes to mind. It is easy for the written word to appear abrupt when that is not the intention. I cannot believe that anybody would want to waste there time posting just to be agressive and rude we all want to be helpful if we can. The reply to the question can you read a chart should have been "whats a chart" whats wrong with a bit of banter does this not make it more interesting?
Perhaps we should have a list of all members of this forum who cannot take a joke!
Is the saying (If you cannot take a joke you shouldn't have joined) so often true.
As I said in a previous posting it takes all sorts and long may it last.
Live and let live.
Happy sailing!


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16 May 2001
Vancouver , BC Canada
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Re:I was that newbie

I posted that question and have to confess to being really quite intimidated by the response from Solitare.

However, according to the stats on this forum I have asked 36 questions and sent 35 Private messages.

The responses, help and advise I have had from everyone has been overwhelmingly fantastic. Where else could have I gone to find answers to the most basic questions to a pastime and hobby that have become all consuming?

I don't know of any other place, or activity where so many people have been prepared to ignore the fact that a question is basic and naieve and have been prepared to give solid reliable help and guidance.

With only 34 posts I AM A NEWBIE and on behalf of all others like me and the hundreds of anonymous viewers of the Forums we sincerely thank you very much.

One person's comments out of all the others I've received certainly can't change my opinion of that


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20 Jan 2002
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An excellent response, l'm still learning after 20 years, never forget my first time in my first boat - ran aground in the Cut, Woodbridge and l had a chart !


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19 Jan 2002
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At least it was soft, now if it had been the Bar entrance it would have been a different story.
The Deben bar is not for the faint hearted but at least it is better buoyed now! I always get a local update photo copy of the entrance from Suffolk Yacht Harbour before attempting this entrance.
Back to your cut could I get through here with my 1 metre draft bilge keeler?
Like you after 20 yrs still loads to learn.
Many thanks


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16 May 2001
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They are only words.

You just do not have to read the rude remarks of the grumpies. Ignore them. Perhaps they will go away. It is not as if you are being cornered by some sort of disgruntled loonie in a dark alley. Everything the grumpy remarks on is public for all of us to read and as most of us are reasonable people [ well at least you and me], we can sympathise and empathise etc. Any way I thought that the "Rue de Remarks" [ pronounced "rude remarks"] was a street in Paris.


Well-known member
18 Jun 2001
In the far North
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Re: They are only words.

That said - it's easy to offend and care should be taken (as I think it generally is) not to.
The Rue de Remarque is indeed in Paris - my Aunt had a bookshop there - her husband, Mon Oncle had a fruit and veg shop on the Rue Barbe