Rude awakening in Teignmouth


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8 May 2003
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Years ago was on a coaster that ran coal from Newcastle to Greek once a year but the job terminatedandtheyused lorries to do the same work.As coasters get bigger to make them more profitable many of the small ports could well become impractical and the cargoes moved to road transport .

Capt Popeye

Well-known member
30 Sep 2011
Dawlish South Devon
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Are the pontoons for visitors or rented to berth your boat for a year?
Draught is 5.4m.

Yep thats right , the pontoons in the picture are the designated as visitor pontoons ; visitors require a dinghy to get ashore or to the nearby public floating jetty

What has to be born in mind is that the Port is only open to Ships around HW time , so the private Vessels moored in that area , although moorings are begining to be in shallow waters at LW its not when they are at risk from the Ships ; it has been known for a Ship to veer off course and 'take out' a few vessels that were happily moored up

Hope that JohnP boat is ok

Also the ship thats gone between the 'visitor pontoons' is actually heading onto the ashore , so getting into quite shallow water depth ; in another photo in local press the Ship has dredged up the River Bed somewhat , its gone all mucky colour ; good job that the Ship got off quickly as it might have damaged the Pontoon moorings when settling down

Some few years ago a Ship leaving Port failed to make the 90 degree Port turn and drove straight straight on up onto Shaldon Beach ; good job it was not the height of summer as that Shaldon Beach gets really crowded with Children playing on the sand and in the river

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