The plastic tube makes it better hold than the wire strop.Well, I’ve just taken you up to 87 subscribers and added a “like” to the rough weather video …
A few random observations on that video:
I liked the plastic pipe covering the strop between your main sheet block and the boom.
Did you change the ensign? Towards the end of the video it looks more worn and faded, but could just be the angle of the light.
You’ve mentioned putting one or two reefs into the genoa. I noticed that Concerto has roller reefing for the genoa and wondered if you have these settings marked or if you just roll away “sufficient” - judging it by eye/feel.
Finally, you mention not having enjoyed English as a school subject. Obviously, few can hope to write like Keats but, imho, the writing that we all tend to enjoy reading is that which lets us see things we hadn’t seen or think things we hadn’t thought.
Two days of horrible weather meant two very lazy days.very quiet on here. Is all ok??
A respectful silence I imagine.
Those barges are a nightmare in the entrance to the Dart. If you’re not used to them it’s impossible to know what to do. We slowed down to let it pass once not knowing it then basically stops and drifts while the tug changes direction. This would be fine if there was only one but the other sneaks up from the other direction! Luckily they are used to yachts and deal with it for you