They just disipate, but I found it interesting in as much as no one believed that they existed until one was recorded hitting an un-manned N.Sea gas platform on new years day 19 whatever, only then did they start to look for them and was shocked to find them not only in the southern ocean but N.Atlantic as well.
I know they were talking about the real "monsters" but how many of us have been sailing along in 2-3 metre seas and suddenly theres a 5-6 metre wave mixed in with the rest?
I know of 2 places near to me (that I regularly sail) which have thrown up more than the odd biggy, Dover and N.Foreland.
For Dover its always on an ebbing tide and a good S.W blow and for the Foreland its HW Dover +4-5 and a good N.Easterly.
hi grey dad. Tellus more about this leisure 23, where is it, whatcha doing wiv it, how totally/partially shit scared you are and how she who must be obeyed (swmbo) is utterly put off/worried/enthusiastic/loonie by first trip in portsmouth habour/thames/biscay en route to caribbean/fuel pontoon. And so on ...
Well tcm, not much to say really, but being old and grey I'll say it anyway.
Usual story, husband and wife learn to sail, then race and cruise GP14's for a decade or more, a bit of the old Greek Isles with Sunsail for holidays, then kids followed by nothing much for what seemed ages and then after loads of workkidssleepworkkidssleep the urge comes upon you and you blow the mortgage for the house extension on an expensive floating frivolity in a moment of weakness and passion.
We bought her in August this year, hauled her out, spent 4 or 5 weeks doing what the surveyor said and generally bringing her up to scratch safety-wise, put her back in at the end of September and sailed straight off to have an absolutely fantastic 5 day holiday on the Blackwater with the kids (who are 1.5 and 3.5yrs, which brings it's own challenges). 8 weeks from walking down the Orwell watching the yachts in a blow and saying "Why don't we...?" to getting out and doing what we've missed for so long.
We live in Suffolk and had planned to take her back to the Orwell but as it got later in the season we decided to stay where she was put, which is West Mersea. We're getting to quite like the place now anyway
SWMBO has been transformed since we bought the boat - I couldn't understand why she wasn't objecting to the whole process but she missed the sailing as much as I did and had the added incentive of being stuck with the kids all the time. I pack her off every Tuesday night to do her Coastal skipper course as well.
Loads of things I want to do over winter but run out of dosh temporarily (boatyard bill came in and the fees for WMYC phew). She's still in the water but comes out this week probably, managed to squeeze a couple of odd day sails in between the grot weather and F8-9's.
We're very green and very cautious as far as yachts are concerned and chose the Leisure23 because she seemed to be a good solid learning platform on which to practise, just like the dear old GP14 . I know she may not be slinkiest or sexiest thing on the water but she seems to have by far the best accomodation and that's pretty important with 4 of us on board.
Another long boring post, sorry. Off-topic as well tsk tsk