River Arno Italy


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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Has anyone entered the river Arno this year . Looking for very updated personally info on depths on the river , research and charts have shown conflicting depth ,
It's long way to sail to find we can't get in .
Thanks in advance .


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23 Aug 2002
Friuli Venezia Giulia
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I've had a quick look on the web using Italian but haven't come up with anything, sorry. All I can say is that, in common with most Italian rivers, depths will vary tremendously depending on rainfall or lack of it up in the hills (the Apennines in this case) and could change greatly in hours or minutes. In the case of the Arno, a canal was dug giving a second outlet to the sea, and it probably means that this enables the rainfall effect to be mitigated.


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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I've had a quick look on the web using Italian but haven't come up with anything, sorry. All I can say is that, in common with most Italian rivers, depths will vary tremendously depending on rainfall or lack of it up in the hills (the Apennines in this case) and could change greatly in hours or minutes. In the case of the Arno, a canal was dug giving a second outlet to the sea, and it probably means that this enables the rainfall effect to be mitigated.

Thanks for that ,, since posting here we now been in touch with a few cruisers who been up there in the last few weeks , all have reported over 2.1 , one had draw 2.2 and managed to find 02 under his keel .
That's will give us .05 or at the very less 0.3 if we decide to give it a go , there other consideration, being so low we need pretty flat water and no on shore winds , so the timing got to be right ,


22 Oct 2007
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We entered on 8 June this year and are dry berthed at Marina Nova
We are 12.5m x 3.8m x 2.3m draft. Advised to enter on north side of river close to fishing traps. Minimum depth recorded 3.4m soon increasing to 5m. At the time adverse current 1.1 kts reducing to 0.6kts.
The overhead cables circa 18m detailed in Heikell were removed many years ago and the fishing traps do not obstruct navigation - Heikell has this in forthcoming ed 10.
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Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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We entered on 8 June this year and are dry berthed at Marina Nova
We are 12.5m x 3.8m x 2.3m draft. Advised to enter on north side of river close to fishing traps. Minimum depth recorded 3.4m soon increasing to 5m. At the time adverse current 1.1 kts reducing to 0.6kts.
The overhead cables circa 18m detailed in Heikell were removed many years ago and the fishing traps do not obstruct navigation - Heikell has this in forthcoming ed 10.

Thanks for your input , it confirms what we been told by other cruisers met on the way although your depth is a bit more .
All the same enough for us .
Looking at going in to morrow morning .


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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We entered on 8 June this year and are dry berthed at Marina Nova
We are 12.5m x 3.8m x 2.3m draft. Advised to enter on north side of river close to fishing traps. Minimum depth recorded 3.4m soon increasing to 5m. At the time adverse current 1.1 kts reducing to 0.6kts.
The overhead cables circa 18m detailed in Heikell were removed many years ago and the fishing traps do not obstruct navigation - Heikell has this in forthcoming ed 10.

3.4 depth , spot on a gold star to that man