Rigging the next election?

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7 Sep 2004
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Re: Proportional Representation.

Couldn't agree more on the PR thing. We have had a form of PR here in NZ for several terms now, which is structured so that it is very unlikely that any one party could ever get a majority of seats, so some form of coalition is the order of the day. Even worse as we do not have any upper house.

Basically all that happens is the representatives of the dimwit portion of the population get to have too much to say in parliament. Nice for those who think government is all about everyone and their dog and cat having their say, no matter how stupid, examining the roots of the onion until it dies and nothing happens or silly compromises are made to resurrect it. But certainly not good government and very encouraging of alliances made in hell.



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19 Dec 2001
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Re: Proportional Representation.

Its the alliances made in hell that's the real problem, witness Israel (to a lesser extent not PR but the same thing) and the latter days of John Major's Govt with the Ulster Unionists


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8 Mar 2002
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Re: hoho

and what about Mrs Porter of Westminster Council infamy...

Personally I can see corruption under both Thatcher and Blair.

Similarly I can see contraventions of Human Rights under both.

I know I am going to be shot down in flames but I truely believe that Labour under John Smith would have been a very different. I believe that John Smith had the potential to take politics onto a more principled and honest playing field than any other politician for a very long time.. cannot remember too much about Heath and nothing at all about Macleod!

Oh and for the record I am as disturbed (if not more so) regarding contraventions of Human Rights, International Law and dodgy Information "Management" / access


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10 Dec 2003
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Re: hoho

I know I am going to be shot down in flames but I truely believe that Labour under John Smith would have been a very different. I believe that John Smith had the potential to take politics onto a more principled and honest playing field than any other politician for a very long time.. cannot remember too much about Heath and nothing at all about Macleod!

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Doubt it, as I think most peeps believed John Smith would have made a very good pm.
Unfortunately in the beginning think most peeps thought Blair would be in the same mould


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8 Mar 2002
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Re: Blair v Smith

mmm well personally speaking no I didn't think Blair would in any way match John Smith.. I was at the time a paid up member of the Labour Party and the reputation of Blair was not at all convincing that he would be a principled and honest leader of either the party or the country. Having been active in a nearby constituency to TB local party knowledge of the shaningans surrounding TB's selection for the constituency and his politics back this up. Unfortunately the Labour Party selected TB as successor to John Smith in a paranoid reaction to what they thought would be important to the general electorate in subsequent election. This decision was also very synical and I have to say this decision has begat a synical leadership and morally bancrupt cabinet.


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23 Jan 2005
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Re:What can we do

What can we Do!

In the past the government in power fought an election on all sorts of empty promises and we voted against them if they pi$$ed us off or voted for them if we liked their leader or whatever.
Whoever was in, nothing much changed.
This election is different.
History will remember this government for only one thing .
And today it stands at
86 British troops
1474 US Troops
6000 Iraqi Troops
Tens of thousands of civilians.

By polling day it will be a lot more so,

What can we Do!



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8 Mar 2002
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Re:What can we do

keep protesting however you can, use the freedom of information act, errrrmmm and keep you're ideals alive and keep fighting... in whatever way you see fit. If the Iraq War is really an electoral issue the only PP to vote for if you were / are aigainst this intervention is the Lib Dems.. Use your vote in what ever way you feel fit and use your voice. TB cannot go on add infinitum. We can only hope that the electoral and polictical systems will eventually produce a leader and cabinet with principles and some degree of honesty.


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8 Jul 2001
Re: Hope

We can only hope that the electoral and polictical systems will eventually produce a leader and cabinet with principles and some degree of honesty.

[/ QUOTE ]
Ohdrat, can you perhaps offer some encouragement by pointing to any part of the world where this has in fact come to pass?

- Nick


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8 Mar 2002
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Re: Hope

Well for a start there was the first free election in South Africa... but on a more everday established systems those in the Scandanavian countries seem to offer some hope. But if you stop hoping where does that leave you...? in a very synical and defeatist frame of mind with the end result of apathy and atrophy. This personal philosophy isn't just in relation to politics and democracy but general.

Sea Devil

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19 Aug 2004
Boulogne sur mer & Marbella Spain, Guadeloupe
Re: Hope

Seems that the majority of folks on this forum extend the similar sentiments about Tony Blair and the Labour party as they do about Ellen MacArthur and single handed ocean racing - both are cheating - not as good as previous contenders - anyone else good do better but not quite sure who -

We have a the most prosperous country in Europe + in fact we are one of the most prosperous in the world.
We have the lowest unemployment in Europe. Fewer folks on the dole - more contributing to the economy.
We have a medical system that with all its faults is free and available to all citizens.
We have an excellent state education system and I really cannot see why young people who go onto further University education should not pay back the cost IF they become high earners.
For all it's faults our military are well organised and good at what they do.
There is and will be for the foreseeable future a major 9/11 security threat to the UK. If the government is 100% successful at combating this threat then they will get criticized for over reacting - if they are 99% successful then thousands will die - we should be supportive of their efforts instead of this inane criticism of measures taken to try to protect our country.

Of course sometimes they make mistakes but look at the alternatives! Truly frightening - terrifying - and we could let those silly politicians in by mistake at the next election and that would be disastrous. Like our attitude to Ellen M - we should respect and applaud the efforts a government that wants to make the UK a better place...


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6 Nov 2001
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Re:It all boils down to .......

All who feel that things have improved for them and their nearest and dearest over the last 8 years will vote one way and those who feel they have been hard done by or lost out ,it would appear will either not vote or will spoil their ballot paper.
Simple really,all we need to do now is to wait and see what happens and accept the result ?