Rigging the next election?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 478
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18 Nov 2001
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Re: freedom

well, i agree with jimi. he first raised the constitutional issue a year or so ago and I thought it then OTT but his view has come to pass .. perhaps he could do Ernie for me ... bastid's failed to deliver, again ...

Thatcher got her UN resolution (502) which blair didn't. As I understand it, our forces in Iraq have a dubious legal justification for being there ...


24 Jan 2003
East Coast
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Re: hoho

I didn't say that Thatcher was any better, but its a pretty thin argument saying "I'm Ok 'coz the last person did it aswell". However I'm pretty sure thatcher didn't take us into any illegal wars without the sanction of the UN and I'm pretty sure she did't appoint her ex flat mate to the highest legal position in the country and make it into a government position.
As we are in the "I told you so mode" I said a year ago that lord falconers "Merely Temporary" position as the lord chancellor until a supreme court was invented, would be somewhat more permanent than first stated - and guess what - no sign of a supreme court and an unelected minister in charge of the courts. The only thing stopping TB owning the courts is the fact that most of the judges appear to be cantankerous old gits who are not bowing to government pressure.
As for the quality of life in old europe?? have you been there recently? Its no different to england where some people are doing OK, and others not so, except I think there are more not so's. Have you seen the unemployment figures in france and germany recently? Old Europe is struggling under the burden of massive welfare an public expenditure and is struggling to emerge from a recession which is now 10 years old. And thats the model Gordon is trying to copy!


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18 Nov 2001
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Re: hoho

... not forgetting the Baroness Morgan of Huyton who, 10 yrs ago, taught geography at secondary school (before becoming a student organiser in the LP) and would have been of help to Lords Falconer and Goldsmith at their meeting should they have needed to know where Iraq was .....


Well-known member
19 Dec 2001
St Neots
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Re: hoho

You're not wrong, however I'm more of a MacLeod/Heath one nation man myself .. from when politics were honest(ish), peoples accepted resposibility, the tory party was a party for the masses and well to the left of the current labour party position! And Ted did a bit of sailing and drinking (until recently he was often seen out for a pint in the pubs near me)


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23 Jan 2005
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It`s got to be a bad Idea to spoil your ballot paper
Surely the best way is to vote them out, all right the Tories are no better.
And we are going to have to put up with ” Look at the mess they left us to clear up” for the next 3 or 4 years, but it might bring a lot of our politicians back down to earth when the realise that power can be taken away from them just as easily as it is given.
If this crowd of megalomaniacs get back in they will take it as a green light to carry on or do worse and all in our name.
What worries me is perhaps spoiling your ballot paper is just the same as voting Labour.



8 Nov 2003
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Re: Moral dilemna .. it certainly is

Vote Green. Almost as much use as a spoiled ballot, but conveying a more useful message than something which can be misinterpreted for half-wttedness! /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif


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13 Mar 2002
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Re: Proportional Representation.

Does PR bring stable government? There are many cases where unlikely coalitions are stitched together to creat a government that falls apart quite rapidly after a spat. This does affect large nations as well as Gromboolia.

How many governments has Italy had since 1945, how many in France and how many in the UK?

Wasn't Hitler elected using PR?

Deleted member 478

Chris, then the title would have been "electing the next rigger"


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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oh please - not PR ! Removal Van Politics

imvho, the best thing about uk govt is the removal van that (sometimes) turns up the day after a general election. Har har s/he's gone now!

With PR, this probably wouldn't happen either as often, or perhaps at all. We'd have a succession of stitchups, where no single plan of govt is carried. ok, i spose one could argue that we have a sort of selection boxish govt at the moment, but that's by the by. The ability to "chuck out this lot" is important, imho.

For me, it's a big prob with the EU - perhaps the biggest: you can't get rid of the ratbags - whoever the ratbags might be for you. Even if joining the euro meant loads more economic wealth etc (er not sure now that it will, cos it's been around a while and not loads of eurozone wealth yet really, but anyway) then i'd still be against cos you can't "chuck the buggers out".


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27 Nov 2002
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Re: hoho

Well the Mandible did didn't he

£120k pa - no experience necessary

Company car with chauffeur

Unlimited allowances

Free 1st class travel

Beats being an Ex MP

Can't understand why EU jobs don't have to be open to competition, must breach fair employment, race discrimination, sex discrimination, human rights act and just about every other bit of legislation.


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10 Dec 2003
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Re: freedom

However . . . many would argue that Thatcher's use of Parliament and the police force to crush the miners was a similar (in magnitude) abuse of power, if not worse. The Belgrano has likewise sunk (pun intended) into historical obscurity, along with all the other questions raised by the Falklands conflict. The British public certainly weren't kept fully informed about that war, were they?

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Can't agree on that as when MT first voted in Scargill tried to rally for a general strike to try and force out Maggie.
Second Argentina invaded the Falklands which is British Territory, which regardless of whether it should have been Argentinas or not ( could be they showed a lot more interest when oil was found), and the Falkland Islanders being British citizens, they have the right to expect Britain to come to their aid.
Bit different to invading a foreign country .

But as you say in the end it's economics as most of us work so we can look after our families and enjoy our leisure time.
Maybe it's being selfish, but I don't relish having a goverment which is forcing us to work longer hours and probably end up working well past what should have been our retirement age, to try and maintain our standard of living.
Don't think most people mind paying more tax if it helped improve the NHS, Police, services, etc

But we now seem to have a goverment who screw us for every penny they can get out of us, spend it on feathering their own nests or those of their friends, a pm who is determined to get his name in the history books regardless of who or what gets sacrificed.

Personally I'd vote for anyone who would ensure this lot were turfed out


Re: Proportional Representation.

Your mention of Italy in conjunctio with PR is perhaps the best reason for PR. Italy works best when it has no government!

However, to be realistic. This present bunch must go. Too much lying and spinning. What is the only realistic alternative?

The only ones who can get them out is the Tories, whether you like it or not. The Lib-Dems are weak and much too far behind with a very muddled leadership. Nobody else has a hope in hell of forming a government..

A spoiled paper is the action of a spoiled child and shows nothing but ignorance of reality (a yah-boo I won't play mentality). The only way to vote against this thieving bunch to any effect is to vote Tory.


Well-known member
19 Dec 2001
St Neots
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Re: Proportional Representation.

A spoiled paper is the action of a spoiled child

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Bob I agree with most of what you say but respectfully beg to differ here. If you spoil your ballot paper eg by writing on it "None of the Above" then that indicates that you have enough respect for the democratic process to take the time and effort to vote but indicate your dissatisfaction with whats on offer.
If enough people did that then the smart arse politicians would soon realise there's a big market out there waiting for the right product offer!