Respect for Scottish sailors


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28 Mar 2005
that was true of most sailors when I started in 2008 - first I did downloads that people could leave downloading overnight. Lots of them did. They paid $4.99 for three months acces to the downloads, then I did DVds which went really well at Christmas, flat as a pancake after that. The good thing about that was that people would order five sets at £15 a set.

Now it is all free with a slight guilt trip for some. I really have no idea how I ended up making films and giving them to google in the hope that 1.5 per cent of the people who watched the films would chip in. The weird thing is the yanks sometimes send me $200 to cover the cost of 8 sets of DVDs - amazing blokes those yanks.

I am hoping to put the film about the west coast of shetland up this weekend



Well-known member
8 Aug 2013
SW Scotland
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thats the ticket - bloody wonderful place

deep regrets that I will not be there this summer

Says the man with a boat on a trailer?

Sam Llewellyn's "The Minimum Boat" gives plenty of examples of Scottish adventure in a trailer-sailer a heck of lot smaller than Katie L. You'd need to choose your day for St Kilda carefully, but there is nowhere in the inner islands out of bounds to her.

I'm thinking of taking the Drascombe to Arisaig for a week or two this summer.


Active member
28 Mar 2005
Says the man with a boat on a trailer?

Sam Llewellyn's "The Minimum Boat" gives plenty of examples of Scottish adventure in a trailer-sailer a heck of lot smaller than Katie L. You'd need to choose your day for St Kilda carefully, but there is nowhere in the inner islands out of bounds to her.

I'm thinking of taking the Drascombe to Arisaig for a week or two this summer.

I am 61 years old with jiggered knees

What have I done to you

you really can never think of anything nice to say


23 Sep 2010
West Sussex / Hants
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I have come to know Jumbleduck over the years, and while he challenges any discrepancy - like the academic bod he is - I also think him a kindly soul and real sailor at heart.

I would listen to him as those are his regular waters.

I know all about growing old in small boats - Because of my back I cannot go out on mud mooring checks, just look after the radio and bino's from ashore - and actual sailing on my or chum's boats means taking co-drydramol pain killers rather ignoring the advised max...

Just a wild idea that comes to me right now, how about a Centaur / Lomgbow, anyway a bigger boat, and taking paying punters with you ?

I'd go for it if I could afford it as I share your love of wildlife and would like to sail more around Sotland ( or Wales, anywhere I haven't sailed ) ; but on the understanding, if you reach for a Fray Bentos I'd be on to Amazon to drone me in a gun, suicide pills, or a decent curry, whichever applies.


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3 Apr 2009
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that was true of most sailors when I started in 2008 - first I did downloads that people could leave downloading overnight. Lots of them did. They paid $4.99 for three months acces to the downloads, then I did DVds which went really well at Christmas, flat as a pancake after that. The good thing about that was that people would order five sets at £15 a set.

Now it is all free with a slight guilt trip for some. I really have no idea how I ended up making films and giving them to google in the hope that 1.5 per cent of the people who watched the films would chip in. The weird thing is the yanks sometimes send me $200 to cover the cost of 8 sets of DVDs - amazing blokes those yanks.

I am hoping to put the film about the west coast of shetland up this weekend


Perhaps try hosting them yourself and charge per download from here on in. YouTube gives you exposure to the market, but I suspect you've already hooked in most of your market already, at least in the short-term.

I still think you should think about a book, or series of them. Maybe it won't make you rich in the short-term, but could provide a steady income stream in your dotage. Perhaps as a coastal nautical Wainwright.


Well-known member
8 Aug 2013
SW Scotland
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I am 61 years old with jiggered knees

I thought you were planning to move Katie L around on her trailer - wasn't there something about needing to repair it? I just pointed out - helpfully, I thought - that if you have a nice Hunter Minstrel which you can move about on a trailer, there is a lot of scope for fun on the West Coast before you get yourself re-Centaured. It would be a shame if your followers got the impression that our waters are not suitable for smaller boats.

What have I done to you

you really can never think of anything nice to say

I am very sorry indeed if I have said anything to offend you.


Well-known member
18 Jun 2001
In the far North
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it is really odd

whenever I post a film or make a comment about how lovely scotland is the same thing happens

scottish blokes always say the same thing

someone joins the thread with a fek off you foreigners comment

I think it is supposed to be light hearted but underneath is the same sentiment

bit sad really

Och Dylan - we're dealin' wi they 'alternative facts' here ma son. Jest a way o' tryin tae ensure tha' we nivver hae they crowded watters like they dae in ra sooth. Fer a' tha' - we dae get the midgies an a remember a gale o' rain blawin in June wance er twice - but there's nivver a siggestyin o feck aff furriners - not at all.

steve yates

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16 Oct 2014
Benfleet, Essex/Keswick, Cumbria
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Dylan, i've met Jumbleduck in the flesh. He's a lovely guy, and really helpful. Just because he doesn'nt take anything at face value and plays devils advocate, doesn't make him out to get you. I disagree with a lot of his positions on here sometimes , but I like and respect the man. Its the internet, not the real world, dont get offended so easy. Apart from when folk suggest you ditch the wife, that is offensive!

Deleted member 36384

We should all meet up for a 'Reconcilation, Understanding and Perspeive Worksop: Insights Into Empathy'. Then have team piss up afterwards.
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Well-known member
8 Aug 2013
SW Scotland
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Dylan, i've met Jumbleduck in the flesh. He's a lovely guy, and really helpful. Just because he doesn'nt take anything at face value and plays devils advocate, doesn't make him out to get you. I disagree with a lot of his positions on here sometimes , but I like and respect the man

Thanks, Steve. I've met Dylan in the flesh too, on board Katie L, and found him good company. We don't agree about everything, but wouldn't life be boring if we all did agree about everything?


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26 Jul 2005
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Och Dylan - we're dealin' wi they 'alternative facts' here ma son. Jest a way o' tryin tae ensure tha' we nivver hae they crowded watters like they dae in ra sooth. Fer a' tha' - we dae get the midgies an a remember a gale o' rain blawin in June wance er twice - but there's nivver a siggestyin o feck aff furriners - not at all.

I reckon he's just not understanding the full Presbyterian mindset and humour.

Heres a short handy guide.. ;)

Its nice today = we'll pay for it with pouring rain and a hoolie tomorrow.
What a lovely evening = They midges will be out soon to eat us alive.
This is a perfect quiet layby with a stunning view = Aye there'll be bus loads of geriatric tourists along in a minute.


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3 Jul 2012
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Minstrel (Symphony) on Loch Fyne. I wish I'd not sold her. Being under 23 feet I found cheap mooring packages at several marinas. I thought I wanted something I could stand up in for my retirement so I bought a Centaur but a decent cockpit tent would have done the trick.


Well-known member
8 Apr 2007
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We should all meet up for a 'Reconcilation, Understanding and Perspeive Worksop: Insights Into Empathy'. Then have team piss up afterwards.
That is the definition of 'making up' so you're suggesting a piss up after the piss up? Hard core!!


23 Sep 2010
West Sussex / Hants
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one thing I have learned from writing books is ' get an agent ' and I think it particularly applies in your somewhat unique case; I'll have an ask around, sorry I didn't think of it sooner.

As they say ' better to give away 20% of something, rather than have 100% of nothing ' - will PM you any answers.
