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Well-known member
7 Jan 2005
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Sorry its so long 100% true, (a little while ago)

Pinball Tow

I was invited for Sunday lunch at a picturesque Inn remotely situated by the side of a canal in Lincolnshire; we were to arrive in real style aboard my friend’s new 360 hp sports cruiser.

About a mile from the Inn we spotted a small Cuddy boat ‘Little Duck’ in trouble, the Skipper had his head in the outboard cover while his wife beckoned for help (she looked very annoyed and will from hence forth be known as Mrs Blackthunder).

Tony skilfully manovered his new boat very close to the stricken vessel, while Mrs Blackthunder had part forced herself out of the escape hatch on the bow which was totally inadequate as she appeared to be stuck; from here she was in the ideal place to construct a towing bridal. Unfortunately she fastened it to a cleat that was off centre, normally I would of course lend advice and assistance with the correct way to attach the line but Mrs Blackthunder didn’t look very receptive to advice.

The Little Duck gently floated off the bank and dutifully followed us, no sooner than Mrs Blackthunder had almost broken into a smile fete really took a turn for the worst, Tony was so pleased with his new engines and how powerful they were he hadn’t noticed the large May bush that was overhanging the river bank, Mrs Blackthunder still wedged in the front hatch and trying to untie the rope had a look of horror on her face as she and the Little Duck were pulled through the bush.
Once clear Tony positioned himself in the centre of the canal and we all relaxed, but this is when the problems started to unfold.

We were now at the canal’s maximum speed of 4 mph, the little Duck equally started at 4 mph but as she followed she snaked from side to side.
I will endeavour to briefly explain the “sling shot effect” that we all learnt about in Physics lessons and only now do I fully appreciate the significance.
As the little Duck snaked, three times the distance is covered so the speed is three times as fast, further due the small size of the Little Duck the hull speed had been exceeded and the Little duck was now “ on the Plane “ snaking from side to side like a Pro water skier.

The snakes got wider and wider and speed increased, now conscious of the fact time was pushing on and there was a very real chance we were going to be too late for lunch we all kept quiet, Tony was fixed on the Canal ahead and still spouting off about how much torque his engines had, as this point the snakes got so wide the poor little Duck collided with the Starboard Bank side narrowly avoiding a Fisherman, thankfully no damage appeared to have been inflicted but the ricochet caused the Little Duck to accelerate once more.

Mrs Blackthunder for the first time came out of shock and started to whale “slow down ”, unfortunately she was to get her wish as the Little Duck was dragged through the May bushes again which lined the Port side of the bank, this time she went straight through exiting at speed as the rope acted as a bungee cord.
The Little duck had an old Coots nest stuck on the Bow and Mrs Blackthunder looked as if she had been dragged through a bush, ooh she had, twice now!

The Little Ducks Skipper now saw a bridge in sight and opted to walk back to Brandy Wharf to safety; it was only about half a mile by River but at least 6 miles around the winding Lincolnshire Farm Tracks, never the less probably the safest option.

Later that afternoon he found us in the Inn still discussing the incident and very graciously bought us a Gallon of Cider named “ Rat Catcher “.

I posted this on another forum and it got binned, too boaty for them I think /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif


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20 Mar 2004
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Brandy Wharf is on the New River Ancholme, one of the Licolnshire drains, and this runs into the Humber at Ferriby Sluice where the 360hp can be released!


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16 Nov 2006
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/forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif That story has to be worth money! Got to be a candidate for scuttlebutt. Well done Sir!


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16 Sep 2005
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Blimey.. I havn't heard of the Brandy Wharf for a long time. Me parents used to take me there when I was a kid (many many years ago) and I used to fish the Ancholme on the stretch just before Broughton & Brigg.



Well-known member
7 Jan 2005
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Licolnshire drains,

[/ QUOTE ]

Technically correct but it is a pretty little drain /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Note the overhanging bush /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
