Rat Zapper


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11 Jul 2007
The Virgin Islands
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No not an unknown child of Frank!
Woke up yesterday to find definite rat signs ,chewed food packets and little ratty memento's left where he had been.
No clew as to how the little B*****r got on board, had the usual 'it must have come with some thing you brought on board' but decided that it swam out to us, we are moored 300yards off shore.
So operation GET IT QUICK went into full effect at first shopping opportunity but on the way to our truck said hi to a fellow live aboard and he said he would call a friend about his Rat Zapper, an open at 1 end plastic and metal floored box with batteries, which I could borrow no problem.
Went shopping for the traditional rat traps and poison blocks n stuff.
Loaded the traps with peanut butter and put the blocks in the cupboards and around the food storage area's.
Well a couple of the blocks where missing presumed eaten and He liked the Peanut butter which He removed from one of the traps but the Zapper was found with one very dead rat first thing this morning by SWMBO who exclaimed in a happy voice 'got it, come and empty the Zapper'.
Never heard of a Rat Zapper until yesterday but I will be looking to buy one asap because if it happened once it can happen again.
I can sleep happy tonight not worrying about which electric cables the little RAT is stripping the plastic shielding of.

/forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif


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21 Aug 2003
The Earth but normally in the place of the high st
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Best rat catcher was a sticky tray . If you use poison they just go away and die and in some inaccessible bilge cause a bad smell .

herewith ditty composed after wards
Oh Roland Rat , Oh Roland Rat
Why did you go and chew my hat,
You slunk on board at dead of night,
You nearly gave my wife a fright.
One month later, a month too late,
I cried with despair at what you ate.
A rip up there, a nibble here
You'd even tried to drink my beer
Can with a hole, wine corks chewed
Washing up liquid lying spewed
Cushions tom and mattresses ripped,
Goodness gracious what had I shipped.
Its over now, Roland you are no more,
I caught you sticky handed on the on the floor,
The lesson learnt, a hard one that,
Beware, beware of the Med sea rat


30 Oct 2007
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I managed to pick up a rat whilst I was ashore in Virgin Gorda boat yard. No rat traps in VG had to go over to Road Town to buy a trap. I was worried about putting down poison and ending up with a stink I could not remove so I tried the sticky traps at first. These were set on an internal corner of the work top with a lump of cheese between, woke up with dropings all over the place, no cheese or rat. Bought a big rat trap with a spring that could take off a finger whilst I was setting it, put it betweeen the sticky traps with peanut butter as the bait, again no luck that night. Tried again the next night, but had a bit of tenderloin I had saved from dinner as bait...BANG caught a 1lb rat at 01.30 that morning. last seen floating south..


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2 Dec 2004
North Wales
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I note the Rat Zapper has "a warning light when activated". Aren't rats supposed to be really intelligent????????

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problem is, none of the rats have ever survived to tell their mates of the significance of said warning light... /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif


Well-known member
7 May 2005
In the Med
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Years ago, I used to have an electronics shop, lots of bits & pieces.

One irregular customer, a local farmer & a bit of a character, used to buy a big neon transformer ( 12Kv @ 15mA or so) once or twice a year.

After selling him a few of these, I asked what he did with them.

Seems he had a major rat problem, they would run along a feed screw between 2 buildings, so he hooked up the transformer to 2 electrodes, about a rat distance apart.

Worked a treat, every morning he cleared the bodies away from underneath the feed screw.

So I asked why do you keep buying more ?

Seems once in while, one got stuck in the gap, fizzled, fried, glowed & smoked for a bit & then burnt the transfomer out.


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23 Mar 2009
West Yorkshire
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according to sky tv /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif the verminators program, rats start to smell at 3 to 4 days dead, hit the worst around the 5 days, then the shrivel up and stop smelling after around 10 days /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Wouldn't like to put this to the test though
