After two years of looking at everything fom a Scanmar 35 to a Westerly Corsair we are finally in the process of buying another boat, 35 ft sailing cruiser, and trying to work out where to keep it.
Ramsgate has been suggested by the gang and I'd be interested to hear from any others who have berthed boats there long term as to it's plus's and minus's. We have visted Ramsgate by boat on numerous occasions and always found it a reasonable location, but I am curious as to how long term bertholders find the marina and it's staff, and t he other bitsand pieces that make for a pleasent, or otherwise, experience.
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Ramsgate has been suggested by the gang and I'd be interested to hear from any others who have berthed boats there long term as to it's plus's and minus's. We have visted Ramsgate by boat on numerous occasions and always found it a reasonable location, but I am curious as to how long term bertholders find the marina and it's staff, and t he other bitsand pieces that make for a pleasent, or otherwise, experience.
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