New member
Picture the the scene ,your 8 years old ,before you is a huge stech of water,(its really 15ft across and 2ft deep),it,s the local trout stream,youve been tought by your parents to respect water and can swim ,you,vw also been tought by by a local poacher how to tickle trout,you see a large rainbow quietly swiming by a large raft of duck weed ,you take off your plastic sadles and quielty and stelfaly slip into the water,you know the water like the back of your hand as youv,e swam and dammed the stream many times before...but this is different the poacher says that the trout is FOOD!!,so stealthfully you aproach your reach down into the clear crstal water ,feel thhe slightly warm and slimey felof he fish under your hand and...bolk.....the mises comes into the office and says ....bed time for busy boys ...come on hurry up!!!.and fu**g mobiles just rang for work!!
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<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by stamfordian on 10/11/2002 23:13 (server time).</FONT></P>
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<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by stamfordian on 10/11/2002 23:13 (server time).</FONT></P>