After a restful night in Chichester Harbour I made my way down towards the harbour entrance. No fewer than 4 dingy fleets were racing in the main channel. Although there was oodles of water all over the harbour the marks were being laid in the main navigable channel.
Is there some kind of collective lunacy infecting commodores of dinghy fleets in the South? Does anyone think that a 20 or 30 meter wide channel is really the logical place to go out and play for an hour or two?
These lunatics then continues to race with a steadily rising wind and and an increasing number of capsizes and boats in difficulty. Maybe we need a new bye law in the harbours that gives automatic right of way of all passage making vessels over racing fleets and a bounty on every dingy run over in the main channels.
Rant over.
After a restful night in Chichester Harbour I made my way down towards the harbour entrance. No fewer than 4 dingy fleets were racing in the main channel. Although there was oodles of water all over the harbour the marks were being laid in the main navigable channel.
Is there some kind of collective lunacy infecting commodores of dinghy fleets in the South? Does anyone think that a 20 or 30 meter wide channel is really the logical place to go out and play for an hour or two?
These lunatics then continues to race with a steadily rising wind and and an increasing number of capsizes and boats in difficulty. Maybe we need a new bye law in the harbours that gives automatic right of way of all passage making vessels over racing fleets and a bounty on every dingy run over in the main channels.
Rant over.