Qualified Or Not, What Would You Do?


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14 Feb 2002
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No, I mean silly; and a lot of the silliness appears to come from the way you are handling this.

Every time you are asked a question you release a tiny bit more information. If you want help why don't you just give the full story? I think youv'e said that the Marina staff will be following this thread so what is the problem?

As far as I can see your boat had a bump, albeit possibly a nasty one. However no apparant damage was done and you seem to be banging on about this on the basis that it might have been damaged. In can only assume that this incident took place some months ago and I can't understand why you haven't sorted it out yet. The delay is weakening your case, if there is indeed a case.

Get a surveyor to inspect it, if there is damage then go back to the Marina. If not then move on to something else.


Attention firstspirit

as I said on the other forum...
Firstspirit, having read all your posts and smoke screens you are obviously feeling very agrieved/ emotional, have reached an impasse with the marina. I can only suggest that you have two course of action....either. take what you can and cut your losses and learn for it or engage a good lawyer, dig deep financialy because it will cost, and take their advice.


or release the full story and get some real answers, this is getting boring so I guess I will have to exercise some discipline and stop reading your multiple threads across all the boards


Frustrated ..... Get it sorted !!

Judging by the tone of threads now being added to your post .... people are getting tired of the half-stories, lack of answers to questions put by many and also the filling up of various forums space.

Get onto Trading Standards ... stop bullying everyone with your postings and spend as much effort on sorting it through available channels as you do in writing here .... !!

Sorry but the longer you tread this path the longer and less likely to get to the soultion.


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28 Jul 2002
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Let Me Have Your Question by PM

Dear Nigel (and everyone who's interested)

Thankyou for your postings. Firstspirit is overwhelmed by the stack of advice and personal opinion expressed on this and other forums.

The multi-postings - I APOLOGISE, this was a technical error due to the fact that I did not see my original posting on screen, so I kept trying till I did, it is that simple. I have since reported same to Kim Hollamby and explained. I have stopped posting on three sites, as I was not aware of multi-posting rules, and I feel that I must stress that my only intention here was to canvass as wide an opinion as possible from as many different types of boat owners as possible.

Firstspirit is already acting directly on information and opinion expressed on this forum. If anyone feels that they are still interested in helping a fellow boat owner and crew but need more information that can be provided, please feel free to send a PM. I will do what I can to answer all reasonble enquiries.

I thank you again for your patience.

