France is that not where the statue of liberty came from? You must remember.The people of France gave it to the land of the free.
Shame,that at the time they were a bit busy exterminating their indigenous population while making money importing slaves to notice its arrival./forums/images/icons/laugh.gif
<hr width=100% size=1>Oooh look its still not dark and its nearly 5pm
hm. I think this was a massive bribe from the froggies to gettem the yanks on their side as the brits anfd french went to war in which (again) the brits eventually stuffed them. The yanks did nothing, but pesumably were inspired by the gift and even to this day give away meaningless rubbishy (and also hollow) toy ornaments with every Happy Meal.
France should definitely give way, despite the meteor going a lot faster as currently France is on port tack and if the reds wish to survive they should take over Germany. I do hope Fifi survives as she cooks wonderful hambergers though.