Portugal D7 visa


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19 Jun 2020
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Ok, let me clear up some statements. It is not the intention to live, work, study in any other place other than Portugal. This is a retirement option to enjoy the sun in the South of Europe on a sail boat. We have fallen into an mis-understanding of the F of M term, my mistake, ambiguous. I am only interested in staying around the area for longer than the current UK allowance, probably 5/6 months. As stated above this seems possible with a D7 visa. As a resident in Portugal it would be possible to take some forays to Spain Gib and possibly as far as SW France.


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24 May 2012
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Yes and no,

There are 2 things in one: the visa (the right to enter and reside) and the work permit.

A residency doesn't grant FOM, so you cant live/work/study in another country. But it does grant full time residency. so you can travel to Germany and Spain for as long as you want (more than 90 days), you just can't live/work/study there.

A D7 grants unlimited access to the whole of Schengen, but it only provides a work permit to Portugal

So far as I am aware if you have Portuguese residency you are permitted to work in Portugal.

Until 31/12/2020, if you arrived in Portugal and intended to stay for more than 90 days you had a legal obligation to register your presence in Portugal with the camara (local government offices). If you were a EU Citizen you were offered temporary 5 years residency that carried all of the privileges Portuguese citizens enjoyed; except unlimited travel in the EU where you were limited to 90 days in any 180. Of course you could remain in Portugal indefinitely. No need for work permits.
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24 May 2012
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So if you were born to a person of a country in that country, but you father was from another country. The new born would probably be entitled to dual nationality. This can be retro application just like the rush for Irish dual nationality in the run up to Brexit. I see no confusion here. If the application for the dual nationality fails, it looks possible that a D7 Visa could be the answer to Schengen freedom. I think I am going to regret posting this on here, probably better on an ex pat forum.

Yes some liveaboards reside in the U.K. but many of the regular contributors to this form are expats or long term visitors overseas. What is more they have a common interest in boating so have a good grasp on boatie things abroad so your are probably in a good place.

I find your observation that ‘a D7 could be the answer to Schengen freedom’ interesting. Were life that easy.

Since the 2016 referendum many of us have been exploring every avenue to retain our total freedom of movement in the EU and continue life as before.

If a Portuguese D7 was the answer I suggest it would have come to light in the past 4 1/2 years.
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19 Jun 2020
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Yes some liveaboards reside in the U.K. but many of the regular contributors to this form are expats or long term visitors overseas. What is more they have a common interest in boating so have a good grasp on boats things abroad so your are probably in a good place.

I find your observation that ‘a D7 could be the answer to Schengen freedom’ interesting. Were life that easy.

Since the 2016 referendum many of us have been exploring every avenue to retain our total freedom of movement in the EU and continue life as before.

If a Portuguese D7 was the answer I suggest it would have come to light in the past 4 1/2 years.
Just found this, updated 13 jan 2021 www.globalcitizensolutions.com/portugal-d7-visa


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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Ok, let me clear up some statements. It is not the intention to live, work, study in any other place other than Portugal. This is a retirement option to enjoy the sun in the South of Europe on a sail boat. We have fallen into an mis-understanding of the F of M term, my mistake, ambiguous. I am only interested in staying around the area for longer than the current UK allowance, probably 5/6 months. As stated above this seems possible with a D7 visa. As a resident in Portugal it would be possible to take some forays to Spain Gib and possibly as far as SW France.

As a Brit with Portuguese residency you would be able to be in Portugal, Madeira and the Azores 365/365 and still have 90 days in 180 in other Schengen countries so plenty of time to cruise the Canaries, Eastern Med, with time out in North Africa, should you wish.

Now you just have to get Portuguese residency.


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19 Jun 2020
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As a Brit with Portuguese residency you would be able to be in Portugal, Madeira and the Azores 365/365 and still have 90 days in 180 in other Schengen countries so plenty of time to cruise the Canaries, Eastern Med, with time out in North Africa, should you wish.

Now you just have to get Portuguese residency.
Sorry to labour a point. If you take some time to read the globalsolutions website it states "Permanant free entry and circulation in the Schengen area". As do many other sites.


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9 Jan 2006
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Sorry to labour a point. If you take some time to read the globalsolutions website it states "Permanant free entry and circulation in the Schengen area". As do many other sites.
The Portugese Ministry of Foreign Affairs list it as a residency visa.
Type of Visa

May be worth asking the Portugese visa service in London exactly what it allows before handing over any money.


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24 May 2012
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Sorry to labour a point. If you take some time to read the globalsolutions website it states "Permanant free entry and circulation in the Schengen area". As do many other sites.

With respect, why would I bother to read myself into the global solutions website when I already have the complete solution to my situation and circumstances❓

I may be deluded but I think I have a fairly good handle on Schengen and how it effects us.

Whilst wishing you well in your quest, I am not too sure, other than a discussion, what you seek to achieve beyond the advice given you by folk on this thread❓


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15 Apr 2018
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Sorry to labour a point. If you take some time to read the globalsolutions website it states "Permanant free entry and circulation in the Schengen area". As do many other sites.

I think you're missing the point. Having Portuguese or any other residency allows indefinite stay in Schengen in your country of residence. I have had permanent residence in Portugal for years but it no longer (since 31/12) allows circulation in other states to exceed 90 days unless travelling with or to join my wife. In #19, I copied verbatim the relevant part of the reply I received from EU when I queried my travel status. You also need to remember that much of the information on government and other sites has yet to be updated.


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12 Oct 2009
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Sorry to labour a point. If you take some time to read the globalsolutions website it states "Permanant free entry and circulation in the Schengen area". As do many other sites.

From MUCH previous research since 2016, I'm of the opinion that this means:

Permanent (1) free entry and (2) circulation (i.e.: 90/180) in the Schengen area

and not:

Permanent free (1) entry and (2) circulation in the Schengen area

I too would agree that you should make an enquiry with your local consulate.


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19 Jun 2020
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With respect, why would I bother to read myself into the global solutions website when I already have the complete solution to my situation and circumstances❓

I may be deluded but I think I have a fairly good handle on Schengen and how it effects us.

Whilst wishing you well in your quest, I am not too sure, other than a discussion, what you seek to achieve beyond the advice given you by folk on this thread❓
I ought to have known better than raise a legit enquiry on this site full of barrack room lawyers. I was not asking for you opinion but actual experience. Your opinion seems to be in conflict with the actual information published on several sites. The thread is now closed.


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12 Oct 2009
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I ought to have known better than raise a legit enquiry on this site full of barrack room lawyers. I was not asking for you opinion but actual experience. Your opinion seems to be in conflict with the actual information published on several sites. The thread is now closed.

No, you asked a question on an open boating/sailing forum less than 12 hours ago and you've had 20+ attempts at help. Just because you're not getting the response you wanted, that's no reason to throw all your toys out of the pram!


Well-known member
15 Apr 2018
Boat on Mooring off Faro, Home near Abergele
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I ought to have known better than raise a legit enquiry on this site full of barrack room lawyers. I was not asking for you opinion but actual experience. Your opinion seems to be in conflict with the actual information published on several sites. The thread is now closed.

What a stupid reply, some of use have been living here for years and you totally discount experience quoted?


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24 May 2012
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I ought to have known better than raise a legit enquiry on this site full of barrack room lawyers. I was not asking for you opinion but actual experience. Your opinion seems to be in conflict with the actual information published on several sites. The thread is now closed.

Sorry I am a bit late to the party but I have been trying to get my head around other possible issues thrown up by recent events.

Rather than opinion, I am giving you experience, my actual experience. If you choose to ignore it, your choice.

Not sure of your background but I am well acquainted with barracks and lawyers and can assure you that the advice you are getting, from several contributors, is probably the most authoritative and tested available and by request, has been personally endorsed by the EU and HMG.

As to closing threads, think that is in the gift of moderators and administrators so this discussion will continue until all have had their full say.

I am still intrigued by your OP❓

Where does your colleague with a boat in the South of France and a shallow possibility of getting Dutch citizenship fit into all of this❓

Out of interest, what is their nationality and current residency status and why the enquiry on their behalf❓
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24 May 2012
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So can we debate if living on a vessel in a Marina as a liveaboard constitutes an address or do we need to rent property? Anyone with definitive experience please?

For the record.

We already have, as previously stated, I live on a boat in Portugal in a marina and use the marina address as my legal contact address.

My experience; you won’t get a more definitive statement than that.

I wish you well with the rest of your quest.
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19 Jun 2020
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Sorry I am a bit late to the party but I have been trying to get my head around other possible issues thrown up by recent events.

Rather than opinion, I am giving you experience, my actual experience. If you choose to ignore it, your choice.

Not sure of your background but I am well acquainted with barracks and lawyers and can assure you that the advice you are getting, from several contributors, is probably the most authoritative and tested available and by request has been personally endorsed by the EU and HMG.

As to closing threads, think that is in the gift of moderators and administrators so this discussion will continue until all have had their full say.

I am still intrigued by your OP❓

Where does your colleague with a boat in the South of France and a shallow possibility of getting Dutch citizenship fit into all of this❓

Out of interest, what is their nationality and current residency status and why the enquiry on their behalf❓
PM sent


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7 Nov 2001
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From MUCH previous research since 2016, I'm of the opinion that this means:

Permanent (1) free entry and (2) circulation (i.e.: 90/180) in the Schengen area

and not:

Permanent free (1) entry and (2) circulation in the Schengen area

I too would agree that you should make an enquiry with your local consulate.

Even if that were the case, there is no way that that can be verified: there is no migration control within Schengen. You could even fly to Germany and stay there 210 days and no one would know, no one would care. What you cannot do is register in Germany, or work or get social security.


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24 May 2012
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Got your PM.

Regret, as a registered dyslexic, I haven’t a clue what you are talking about so please open this PM/Conversation to the other main players so they may help me.

Graham, SY Victoria, etc. Who may be able to explain to you what I clearly can’t.

As Liveaboard Link is about sharing problems, information and helping fellow travellers. I am sure you will understand that I do not want to get into a slagging match in here.

After all, from the outset, in all honesty, all we have done is to try to help you, based on our actual experiences in country.

I look forward to hearing from you either here or in your PM and you opening the distribution of said PM by adding extra participants in the box at the bottom of the participants list.



ps Edited this message to correct the dyslexia. Bloody auto correct doesn’t help?
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Well-known member
12 Oct 2009
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Even if that were the case, there is no way that that can be verified: there is no migration control within Schengen. You could even fly to Germany and stay there 210 days and no one would know, no one would care. What you cannot do is register in Germany, or work or get social security.

That might be so if you are both very lucky and happy to ignore the law! But if you have to report to the police for any reason (car accident, etc.), you are very likely to be caught.

Ed. Removed remainder of post as not relevant to internal travel within Schengen if EU resident.
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Well-known member
12 Oct 2009
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Grrr.... I hate it that this forum retains deleted replies that you've typed but not posted, and later appends them to the start of your next post!!! :mad: Note to self: Check in future before posting!!!! Sorry!