Ports of Entry


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9 Jan 2006
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So having attended the RYA Cruising Conference and been told that post Brexit, France will require yachts to enter and exit via a Port of Entry, I can't find a list of which ones count.

Is there a simple list available somewhere? The RYA specifically mentioned France as, entry and exit is organised on a nation-by-nation basis and France are expected to be particularly strict. but is this required in any of the other EU states that are close by?


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10 Oct 2005
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Strictly speaking it has always been the case that British boats should have arrived in France at a port of entry because the UK was outside of the Schengen area. Generally the French ports of entry are those which have a ferry terminal.
However, as we all know the French took a more relaxed view and did not bother. With the expectation of Brexit in 2018 a couple of French ports (including for example Carteret) started saying that Schengen forms were needed but then relaxed it again when the reality dawned as to the complications and as Brexit became less immediate.
Now Brexit is nearer this does need consideration. In 2019 when it appeared possible that the UK would crash out of the EU the Cruising Association, through local representatives got a commitment from the Customs/Immigration that for the north Brittany area UK boats could arrive at any harbour and declare their arrival to the Harbour Master who would then liaise with the authorities as to how the paperwork should be done.
Now, with a transition period hopefully taking us to the end of this year, and with time for the government to consider some of these details we can hope that this more pragmatic view will be extended to 2021 onwards and for all French ports.
Watch this space and hopefully the CA will maintain a watch on this.


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10 Oct 2005
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I should have also added that other states e.g. Netherlands and Belgium did require Schengen forms though I am afraid when we did this we had difficulty finding anyone will to accept them. On one occasion we were shown a drawer full of forms by a Harbour Master as he said the government never collected them. He said when his drawer was emptied by them he would start accepting them again!


Well-known member
9 Jan 2006
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Strictly speaking it has always been the case that British boats should have arrived in France at a port of entry because the UK was outside of the Schengen area. Generally the French ports of entry are those which have a ferry terminal.
However, as we all know the French took a more relaxed view and did not bother. With the expectation of Brexit in 2018 a couple of French ports (including for example Carteret) started saying that Schengen forms were needed but then relaxed it again when the reality dawned as to the complications and as Brexit became less immediate.
Now Brexit is nearer this does need consideration. In 2019 when it appeared possible that the UK would crash out of the EU the Cruising Association, through local representatives got a commitment from the Customs/Immigration that for the north Brittany area UK boats could arrive at any harbour and declare their arrival to the Harbour Master who would then liaise with the authorities as to how the paperwork should be done.
Now, with a transition period hopefully taking us to the end of this year, and with time for the government to consider some of these details we can hope that this more pragmatic view will be extended to 2021 onwards and for all French ports.
Watch this space and hopefully the CA will maintain a watch on this.

Thanks, The RYA stated that, as the UK had refused to reciprocate, they expected France to fully implement the rules.

The UK will be implementing a smartphone app which we need to report persons, goods etc. once we hit the 12 mile limit.


Well-known member
12 Jun 2017
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How about the return/any restrictions coming to Southern England?
Ireland would be also interesting.


Well-known member
9 Jan 2006
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I should have also added that other states e.g. Netherlands and Belgium did require Schengen forms though I am afraid when we did this we had difficulty finding anyone will to accept them. On one occasion we were shown a drawer full of forms by a Harbour Master as he said the government never collected them. He said when his drawer was emptied by them he would start accepting them again!

Forgot to add that the big issue for people who join cruises in France, delivery skippers etc., will be the Schengen 90 in 180 rules. If you get the ferry or fly over, you'll be logged in. So you will need to log out. So even if the local harbourmaster is a bit laissez faire, you'll still need to log out.

How about the return/any restrictions coming to Southern England?
Ireland would be also interesting.

As I said, the RYA said they had seen a smartphone app that required you to check in to/out of the UK. And then tell you once berthed when you are free to leave the boat. RYA said they hoped it would be less than 2 hours from berthing to getting clearance to leave the vessel.

It was pointed out to them that using a smartphone at the 12 mile limit was a bit dependant on phone signal and that the current requirement to enter the VAT product codes of the stuff you'd bought probably wouldn't be that successful.


Active member
5 Sep 2007
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So having attended the RYA Cruising Conference and been told that post Brexit, France will require yachts to enter and exit via a Port of Entry, I can't find a list of which ones count.

Is there a simple list available somewhere? The RYA specifically mentioned France as, entry and exit is organised on a nation-by-nation basis and France are expected to be particularly strict. but is this required in any of the other EU states that are close by?
Well as Im not leaving Europe so no problem-only for the minions!!!


Well-known member
9 Jan 2006
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I see that St Vaast isn't on the list, that's a bit of a bummer for quite a few from the Solent area who prefer St V to Cher.
Indeed, checking in an out at Cherbourg en route would add a lot of time, especially if it's out of office hours and you need to hang around.

Daydream believer

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6 Oct 2012
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So if one goes from , say, St Peter Port, one cannot go straight to Lezardrieux, Treguier, or Treburden, but must go to Granville, St Malo or Roscoff first.
have I got that correct?
I ask, because I often enjoy those destinations before heading westwards & logging out of the EU before going to the CIs ( assuming coming from Cherbourg first) prevents those days in St PP contributing to the 90 day rule.


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2 Sep 2001
Me - Zumerzet Boat - Wareham
So if one goes from , say, St Peter Port, one cannot go straight to Lezardrieux, Treguier, or Treburden, but must go to Granville, St Malo or Roscoff first.
have I got that correct?
I ask, because I often enjoy those destinations before heading westwards & logging out of the EU before going to the CIs ( assuming coming from Cherbourg first) prevents those days in St PP contributing to the 90 day rule.
On the face of it I think your right, but time will tell if it's enforced or not, likewise returning to UK.
I will follow the rules if it is convenient, but initially I won't go out of my way to follow them.
Having said that, at the moment we don't really know what the 'rules' will be.

Daydream believer

Well-known member
6 Oct 2012
Southminster, essex
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On the face of it I think your right, but time will tell if it's enforced or not, likewise returning to UK.
I will follow the rules if it is convenient, but initially I won't go out of my way to follow them.
Having said that, at the moment we don't really know what the 'rules' will be.
Whilst I will certainly comply with the rules of a foreign nation, I certainly will stick 2 fingers up when I come back, unless someone starts making a fuss

Daydream believer

Well-known member
6 Oct 2012
Southminster, essex
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Looks like people may have to re learn to be patient again in the new me me me era..........
I think people have been ME ME ing for quite a while now. It has nothing to do with the latest political events.
More one of the introduction of rights of the individual to do as they please-- regardless of consideration for others- Became more prevalent 40 - 50 years ago--
About the time we joined the EU (y)