I intend (Weather permitting) crossing, Poole to Guernsey (or Cherbourg) 4 or 5th Aug in a Sealine 255 (Twin engine, cruise @ 20 Knots). Looking for another boat to cross in company with
Contact companies like Sea Ventures or Sunseeker who are always coming back and forth with boats. Otherwise take some short hops like stop off in Alderney on the way through.
Simon/Graham, you might want to look at the Forum on www.ppc.org.uk Many memebers have 'moved up' to 25 - 33 ft recently based in the solent or Poole and trips are arranged/formulated on the forum.
Also from Poole you might call up Mr Max or Phaeton on 16 to exchange mobile numbers!
We are aiming to head over for the last week in August but weeked trips are also on the cards.