Poole Bay BYOB open competition


New member
1 Nov 2001
Southampton ,England
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Hi all,

Are you an angler who is interested in fishing Bring Your Own Boat competitions?

If so we at the Poole Bay Small Boat Angling Club would like to invite you to join us for our November Open Boat competition on November the 30th.

There will be a Minimum of £500.oo in Cash Prizes plus an extensive prize table and two Pools.

The Competition is split into two catagories for round and Flatfish and prizes are awarded by percentage of specimen weight for our area.

This is to ensure that all boat sizes can compete in at least one catagory and if the weather is bad fishing can continue within the safe water of Poole Harbour.

It also means that only the best fish of a species need to be landed for the weigh in. The rest can be returned to fight another day.

If you are interested please contact,, martin.burt1@ntlworld.com

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New member
1 Nov 2001
Southampton ,England
Visit site
Hi again,

An update as this competition draws closer.

Booking in will be at Baiter Car Park by the Public Slipway from 0700 on November 30th.

We are hoping for a full concesion for the parking and Launching fees from the council

Fishing is from 0830, The fishing area is open as is the choice of intended target fish.

The Weigh in will be at the Same place from 1600 to 1700. the scales will close at 1700.

Prizgiving will be at the Mariner in Poole ASAP after 1800, with hot snacks served while you wait [ included in entry fee] Iwill need time to calculate the result after the scales close.

The prizes are currently valued at a total of £1500, including the cash prizes totalling £500.00 and a prize table worth at least £1000.00

Entry Fee £15.00 per Adult, £5.00 Juniors

If you would like more information , posters are up in all local tackle shops or contact , martin.burt1@ntlworld.com and he will send more information.

Hope to see some of you and your boats on the day

Tight lines, Dave.

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