Policia M checking.


Well-known member
22 Aug 2008
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Just seen in CM PM, Anacom, Customs identified 8 foreign boats.
PM. have a habit of checking Light Dues and safety equipment. Anacom responsavel for radios. I don'the know what Customs are after - I shall make discreet enquiries.


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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Just seen in CM PM, Anacom, Customs identified 8 foreign boats.
PM. have a habit of checking Light Dues and safety equipment. Anacom responsavel for radios. I don'the know what Customs are after - I shall make discreet enquiries.

Looking forward to the outcome of your enquiries. Especially if somebody who was actually checked could comment.

Whilst I do not doubt your post, observations like your’s appear regularly but hard facts are near impossible to establish.

This is the main reason that I started that long running thread ‘The Truth About Sailing In The Algarve’ all of those years ago.

463 posts and 6 years later, little or nothing of substance has been revealed.

Whatever, 25931, I do not question the sincerity of your thread.


Well-known member
20 Jul 2001
Looking forward to the outcome of your enquiries. Especially if somebody who was actually checked could comment.

Whilst I do not doubt your post, observations like your’s appear regularly but hard facts are near impossible to establish.

This is the main reason that I started that long running thread ‘The Truth About Sailing In The Algarve’ all of those years ago.

463 posts and 6 years later, little or nothing of substance has been revealed.

Whatever, 25931, I do not question the sincerity of your thread.

FWIW, I was thoroughly checked by the Portuguese in the Azores, they came early morning, Police + Customs + Port authority and search dog. I think they had been suggested something as they mainly searched the head.
Very kind, but lots of questions, the dog basically destroyed everything (tbh they warned me to hide electronics and the like). At the end we had a friendly chat, they said the dog was trained to search drugs and heaps of money; I said too bad it did not discovered any (money of course :D ). They said they had found a few hundred thousands dollars a few days earlier.
Meanwhile, two other groups of officers were waiting near two other boats which they eventually visited.
Oh it was not on arrival but a few days later.