Pointless Forum

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Active member
19 Aug 2001
Brecon, Wales
I have concluded that the small clique on this forum frankly ruin its enjoyment for me.

This clique keeps away new forum members by being insulting and rude to them. I frankly think most of the clique have a lot of growing up to do.

Its impossible to carry out any serious discussion without treading on so many fragile egos and in any way undermining their exploits.

Its now reached the point where the frustration level is higher than any enjoyment level and so I shall not be using this forum again. The PBO and Scuttlebit forums are frankly a lot better.

I now leave you to a much more peaceful life discussing all those NB threads.



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10 Sep 2002
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What is this clique issue?

There are regular posters who naturally have developed a degree of familiarity but there are plenty of new posters too and I don't see them all being flamed.

I agree that this forum has lost its way but I think that's because a lot of the old guard have stopped posting and too much non-boaty stuff.



New member
18 Jun 2001
In a state
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they are a lot less tolerent there, Its just a question of "letting go" now and again, don't take it all so much to heart, its only a hobby


Well-known member
22 Jan 2004
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Having ploughed my way through your interminable pedantic arguments (yes, as a "lurker"), I can't help but feel this forum may not be the correct place for your talents.

There are any number of interesting & informative dicussions on these forums, but not all descend into the sort of petty minutiae you appear to specialise in.

Most of us are prepared to be tolerant of others opinions, accept we can't all be right all of the time, and believe what we are told by people who are in the best position to know.

You seem to delight in picking up on every small throwaway comment and expanding it into a multi-thread point-scoring exercise.

While there are undoubtably a number of threads involving the "old-timers" which are completely indecipherable to the new user (and, indeed, may appear cliquey), I'm sure they are no more offputting than the fear of having your every word picked apart by the forums "master-debater" - Gludy.

I'm also certain that there are a large number of folks with relevant, educated & informed input, who are put off by your combative & condescending manner.

If the forums have become more frustrating than enjoyable, some responsibilty must lie with yourself.

Rant over, i'm off to the boat (that's why we're here, remember...).



Active member
31 Oct 2001
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I tend to agree with you which is why I don't bother looking in as much. Though I think the forum is running its natural course rather than being pointless. Forums will change as the users change. Don't know about cliques tho, don't really take much notice even if there is one.


Active member
21 Dec 2004
Now on the Thames
All this talk of a clique is mystifying.

Who is actually in or out of this clique. I thought you were in it. Clearly you don't think you are.Is there more than one clique and are different people in different cliques?

It strikes me that a clique only exists in one's mind ie if I don't feel part of something then it must be a clique.

Anyway why aren't I in it?


New member
10 Sep 2004
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I don't understand this, the last thread that you decided to more or less call everyone who contributed a liar, they were all regulars on Scuttlebut.

If I posted on here and stated that my windex read 40 kts, then the majority of people would presume I trusted the reading and that my boat was not making 20knts into the wind thus giving an apparent increase of 20 kts.

You chose to dissect to the excruciating enth degree, expecting anyone now who contributes to the forum to have NAMAS calibration certificates for all of our equipment.

I have never met anyone in this pastime who seems to spend their whole waking time trying to eradicate every last bit of enjoyment from it.

I have no doubt in the business world you are very successful, but please don't bring that over into our world here, there is no place for it, we just want to have some fun. I am betting you never, ever let anyone but you on your helm either.

You have to trust people, a group of raggies went off for a weekend jaunt and reported back, out of excitement maybe about the weird conditions in the Solent. You chose as an armchair critic to pull the thing to bits and now have thrown your teddy because people, rightly so, took great offence at being called liars. Weird that!

For the last couple of days like you, I have been visiting MOBO chat less and thinking of staying away in the confines of the other forums. The irony is, I am now quite happy to start reading the MOBO forum again now.


New member
16 Jan 2004
Me : Perth
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This clique keeps away new forum members by being insulting and rude to them. I frankly think most of the clique have a lot of growing up to do.

Its impossible to carry out any serious discussion without treading on so many fragile egos and in any way undermining their exploits.

[/ QUOTE ]


You go far too much into the analyses of minor points, and thus transforming them into major issues and boring everyone to tears. Your common catchphrase of 'Game set and match' is pathetic and indicative of a combative personna which alienates others. Most people either ignore you or rip the michael out of you as they can't and won't be bothered to take your scientifics seriously. As has been stated earlier here, boating is fun and at times some informative and indeed some serious issues need airing, but fun and learning are the two reasons that I read the posts and make a few too. I have learned a great deal from many people on here and the references to cliques are ill found. Its just that a few people are more skilled and experienced and have much to say. Some have too much to say and lack the experience. Just take a bit here, reject a bit there and add a bit of yourself. Don't chuck the toys out Paul as you can contribute plenty more. Being involved is better than pertaining to be 'right'. Enjoy whatever you decide to do. Roy


New member
16 Apr 2002
Newfoundland, Canada
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I have never met anyone in this pastime who seems to spend their whole waking time trying to eradicate every last bit of enjoyment from it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Too true. Reminds me of another late unlamented poster who did much the same. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I don't find this forum cliquy. I've never met anyone specifically from Mobo and am hardly likely to now living in Canada. Still happy to read and contribute occasionally here and on the other YBW forums. Its important to remember that this is not a subsitute for real life though!


Active member
14 Mar 2002
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Leaving (again?).

Hell, its a free world (ish). I havent noticed the forum being anywhere near as vindictive as it has been in the past were a newbie would flee having been rounded on,even if the "old guard" thought it funny amongst themselves. But now the forum doesnt seem to serve much purpose. There s a few boating questions, some (to me) not very interesting general blatherings, and then some non boating aspects.
Me?think its pretty dull at the moment, but i m hoping it gets better.
Wont be making an announcement though...


Active member
24 Feb 2005
Hamble - SoF
I am a new member to this forum and I have to say I have found it informtive and a few people have been very helpful and I quite like reading the debates that go on.

I can see why you are getting 'upset' with the issue of some people stating it is possible to take a small whizzy boat out in storm 10 conditions, however I think most experienced people reading these exploits and adventures in storm conditions in small boats read them, have a little chuckle and forget about it and you should do the same.

I tried my bit to explain why it would be very difficult to make any sensible headway in storm 10 conditions in a small boat and got shot in the ass for doing so. But hey ho!, do I give a fiddlers? no. I have been unfortunate to be caught out in those conditions in the Irish Sea and can honestly state it was a very frightening experience even in a 47' SD boat with almost a 1000hp on tap and anyone who thinks they can trundle about in those conditions in a small boat is delusional. But, if they want to believe they can do that or have done it, let them, its no skin off yours or my nose, the reality is 90% of them will not have experienced genuine sustained storm conditions in open water.

Its like when I was involved in the motor industry, when we would get back questionaires about peoples car buying habits and there would be a section for 'what is your second car', in some cases as many as 20% of people responded - 'a Ferrari', there simply was'nt that many Ferrari's in the country!. The real figure was probably about 1/2%.

The only sad thing about this whole issue is that some twits do try and cross open water in small boats in ridiculous conditions. Then of course some other poor sod has to go and get them. My gripe is that irresponsible behaviour usually has some one else picking up the pieces and paying the price for someone elses stupidity.

In the end as they say you can't change a lepoards spots, so just accept that some people are spotty!.

Cheers for now.


New member
21 Jun 2003
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I dont understand any of this. For a start I was not aware that there was a clique on here, if there is I want to know if I am on it. Also was not aware of any newbie bashing or argumentative posts. Either I am not paying attention or I am thick skinned (I think you will find its the latter) People need to chill out a bit more, its nothing personal if someone disagrees with you. Take it on the chin and get on with it, I do.

For the record I am sorry to see anybody go with any feeling of animosity.
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