Plou'Manche Appraoches in North Brittany


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15 Jun 2001
Haslemere/ Leros
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Plou\'Manche Appraoches in North Brittany

Has anyone any person experiance of entering this tiny rock strewn port?
We decided to put our nose in on a flat calm day, at low springs. The Channel Pilot indicates a clear 8 meters at the entrance between 2 clear port and starboard piles. it also indicates that the chanal is clear of obstructions.

We approached the entrance slowly and quite clearly visible at the surface were 3 rocks, totally blocking the passage just below the surface with a thick topping of seaweed.

OK so it was a very low spring (.6 mtr above CD) but both detailed chart and pilot show no obstruction here.

If anypne has any experience here it would be nice to know!
16 May 2001
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Re: Ploumanac\'h Appraoches in North Brittany

I have some photographs taken at low water of this approach. There certainly are rocks all around and a rocky sill which keeps the water in the inner basin at low water. Email me on and I'll send photos to you.

Steve Cronin


Re: Ploumanac\'h Appraoches in North Brittany

This is one of my personal favourites. There have been several articles (PBO)covering it. From memory the outer approaches are clear, but the winding channel is rock strewn. The sill, refered to by Steve would have been clearly visible at LWS. Perhaps this is what you saw??? You must be relieved not to have attempted entry. Thre are sheltered anchorages just on the edge of he channel, where you could have waited for sufficient rise to enter.
Does anyone know if the dismal shore facilities have improved? I am hoping to renew my aquaintance with that coast before long.


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30 May 2001
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Re: Ploumanac\'h Appraoches in North Brittany

Hmm, I don't think a LWS is the best time of approach. As others have said there is a sill once you get round the corner. Take a look at Jack Coote's North Brittany pilot, I still refer to my 15year old version cause the rocks don't change much.
Also find the French charts far better than Admiralty, and if you are using Imaray forget it, far too large a scale. Its not a problem even with over 2m draft, BUT its very congested in season inside.


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16 May 2001
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Re: Ploumanac\'h Appraoches in North Brittany

I visited about ten years ago, going up the approach channel just after low water on a small spring tide. I anchored SE of Chateau Costaires, which was as far as I could get with my 1.2m draft bilge keeler, while waiting for enough rise to get over the sill. I don't recall any problem with rocks on the approach, even though there are plenty of big ones either side. I use Adlard Coles North Brittany Pilot and also Robson's Pilot, which has excellent sketches showing transits for all sorts of inshore passages as well as the main routes into harbours.


Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
Haslemere/ Leros
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Re: Ploumanac\'h Appraoches in North Brittany

Thanks for your relpies, The rocks I saw were not the sill, but between the first two port and starbooard posts. It was a very low spring tide, and I was using Tom Cunliffes Channel Pilot.


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30 May 2001
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Re: Ploumanac\'h Appraoches in North Brittany

Facilities: guess depends what you want. V small new shower block couple of years ago but clean and comfortable, same shops a km(?) away and bus to Perros. V adequate small single hander but perhaps disappointing for Solent caravanners (smile).
Approaches: no perceived problem with rocks - have to wait just inside until sufficient water for cill which means then clear any in approaches.
Other things: still all the fun of the fair on those huge white rolling buoys and fascinating drying anchorage off to starboard of entry channel but must watch rocks there - usually v good vis through clear water.

Not been in this year but above good for previous two seasons.
OK busy in mid season but one of the most spectacular anchorages in Brittany and very deserving of a visit.


Re: Plou\'Manche Appraoches in North Brittany

Until now I never hit a rock with one exception: At Ploumanac'h.
It happened 6 years ago already so I can't remember all the details, but it was about one cable west of the Mean Raz lighthouse. We arrived at LW ( I can't remember whether it was spring or neaps; probably near spring). It was also a flat calm, and fortunately, after hitting the rock, the keel was still attached to the boat.
You are right: I also saw many more rocks in the entrance channel than are shown on the chart in Tom Cunliffe's book.

After this accident happened, I tried to find out what went wrong. I found the following:

- French SHOM charts are much better and more detailed then BA charts, but unfortunately hard to get in The Netherlands where I live. The same for Imray: although Imray charts are excellent for the East Coast, don't use them for Brittany.

- Tom Cunliffe's pilot is not always accurate for the smaller French ports. For example his description about Gravelines (near Calais) is completely wrong.
He suggests there are "no nasty things" when entering Ploumanac'h. Probably he is right at HW but, as you saw yourself, there are many nasty things at LW!
I’ve begun to wonder if he visited himself all the places described in his pilot. This is virtually impossible I think.

- At the time, I only had a depth sounder at the chart table, it was not readable in the cockpit. So I was not aware of the fact I was (probably) in shallow water.

Jaap Kos

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