Passing ship holed my dinghy

steve yates

Well-known member
16 Oct 2014
Benfleet, Essex/Keswick, Cumbria
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So a passing ship definitely didnt do it! Had a good look the other day and it's definitely my own fault, and almost certainly, chafe from the vang fitting.
I looked at another old pic and noticed the dinghy never used to be right up against the nast the way it is now, but across the handrails. I have folded it slightly differently, so it doesnt sit across the handrails the same way, and is further up to allow opening of the hatch. Its about 6 inches difference, and just enough that when the topping lift is slackened off and the sail sheeted in, the vang fitting is brought doen into contact with the dinghy floor.
With the sail down and the boom clipped to the backstay and topping lift, it wasnt obvious, so my bad.
Thanks to those who said chafe, made me look much closer!