Over reaction to current situation


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31 Dec 2007
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Twice what nurses got ...
Yes it is shocking what nurses got, but that does not make the Doctors pay rise substantial. In fact looking at inflation for the last 4 years, for 3 of those years it was over 2%, so in real terms it was a pay cut
Now if you want to talk about substantial then CEO's pay rose by 11% in for the pay year 2016-2017 alone
MP's got a 2.7% pay rise this year


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17 Dec 2003
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The Channel 4 article was before the final agreement which did have more safeguards put in
The Spectator is owned by the Barclay Brothers and very pro Conservative, hardly surprising it was not supportive of the Doctor's position
In reality they got 2% a year, hardly a 'substantial payrise', in fact virtually no pay rise at all when you factor in inflation. In addition they got more safeguards to try and prevent the long hours they were previously forced to work and so putting patients in danger.

Would the Doctors of wanted more safeguards and more money, of course they would. But in any negotiation there has to be compromises

Doctors are intelligent enough to understand that they would introduce an insurmountable level of moral hazard by conflating their pay with patient safety. Yet they pressed ahead and adopted this RMT-style negotiating approach.

Many of their natural supporters were surprised and in some cases a bit disappointed that they chose this route, me included.

What the junior doctors got in the end was as you say not dissimilar to a standard trade union deal, but as my grandmother used to say, "If you sup with the devil"........
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