Osmosis Guarantee - Legal Advice



osmosis guarantees arent usually guarantees - they're insurances that you buy. ie, the yard take responsibility for their workmanship in applying the epoxy, the epoxy company for their product, but the gtte for the long term protection of the boat is insurance since even correctly applied product doesnt gttee freedom froom probs for ever.

best advice is - if you need legal advice, go to a lawyer!

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by howard_easton on Fri Apr 12 21:15:24 2002 (server time).</FONT></P>


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3 Sep 2001
N London, and boat in Suffolk
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As you no doubt appreciate, when considering a newly built boat the essence of an osmosis attack, is time. I say this since the generality of expert opinion is that all hulls will develop symptoms with time. The liability is therefore the costs of stripping and repair: I know of no cases where a write-off has been declared.

Large boat builders these days will guarantee their hulls for 5 years or so. So if you can demonstrate osmotic ingressions during that time you will be covered. After that you're on your own and it is doubtful that insurance cover for this risk is either availabe or at a price that makes it worth taking. Self-insurance is probabaly the best bet for a well-built hull, properly surveyed and maintained.

Aswering your question specifically is therefore rather difficult.

Looked at the other way, if you were offered an osmosis guarantee in the course of buying a used boat, you would either be paying for the cover in the price, or it would be worthless.
