The biggest problem I've found is that only minimal stock is held and your order will go straight to the manufacturers or main agents and usually there are not the systems in place to do any tracking. So the stuff will come eventually but when??
went to Chandleryonline went to search put in keyword "fenders" and it came up with one result A video on boat handling £25. Changed keyword to "warps" came up with same result. What goods that?
Don't think there is ONE best one, some are better\cheaper for one thing, another one will be better for something else. A bit like supermarkets really, - Sainsbury's might sell sugar cheaper, but Tesco's might have the cheapest milk etc.
Suggest you decide what item, make\model you're after and then do a comparison.
If you ask Learner nicely, he'll show you how to do a spreadsheet so you can compare them all easily on a range of items.
Just a correction here to the generality, we don't have a large range but it's "in stock" today, and if not it says so with a big exclamation mark alongside!
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No, all you get is an email from me to say the goods have gone and how. Less than 2 kilos goes 1st Royal Mail recorded, more than goes 2/3 days with Parcel Force or Southern Express, usually the latter.
Parcel Force do on-line tracking but in my experience it says something like "in depot" or "delivered" and no stages in between.
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Well I don't accept orders for items that are not kept in stock so I don't think it applies.
I should qualify that by saying that if someone comes to me with a £5,000 fit out list then I'll go to town for it, but I refuse requests for one off items with minimal profit because the time taken to find-order-receive-pay is more than the deals are worth. I have always admitted that I'm no universal chandler, limited range, fast moving product, rock bottom prices.
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