

Active member
7 Sep 2001
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Just to let all you diesel fuel burners, that includesALL sailors, we have just brought in a, at least, 10,000 barrel a day well, which shoulod see you ok for diesel for a while! Plus of course lots of chemicals to make even more plastic bathtubs and boats! tee hee, Soooooo say thankyou1 Colin, go on!! say it, ungrateful buggers!!


Well-known member
28 Nov 2002
Niton Radio
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Well done Col, keep it coming.

If you do come down south for the Southampton boat show we could combine it with a trip on my boat....now there is an incentive for you.

I am gonna spend it on wine, women and song, and blow the rest.........


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9 Mar 2002
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What about my nest egg?

I'm not sure if this is good news. I have been saving a glass snowpake bottle (that'll stick a date on it) of Thistle Alpha first oil in the hope that by the time I retire it will be really rare and worth a fortune. With you guys producing 10k barrels a day for George wubbleyou to stockpile, does that mean that in 10-15 yrs time there will be nothing left and my little bottle will be worth millions?

Please say yes. /new/forums/images/icons/smile.gif


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7 Sep 2001
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Re: What about my nest egg?

Thats 10k from one well, we produce over 60k a day from this platform and there are six producing platforms!! in this complex alone.


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7 Sep 2001
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Good man, keep burning it, I'll be able to retire in three more years at this rate!! I also did my bit in Malabo, drilling horizontal wells off a floater there! What a shithole that place is!! If they were going to give the world an enema, they would start in west africa!!


No too sure if the maths quite works out here, I'm sure even you rig dwellers get paid more per litre than it costs to buy.......If you do then please get me a job there.

I drove from Sydney to Brisbane last night a distance of 1000 klms and the good ole cruiser used no less than 150 litres. Still it was better than my mate who has a range rover HSE who usually uses about 230 litres for the same trip!


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7 Sep 2001
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The days of high pay for oil workers are very long gone, when everybody elses wages were going up, we were subject to pay cuts, now we earn less than a lot of people onshore. job security is as volatile as the oil price, the amount you pay for fuel in Oz is considerably less than UK, about 1/3, so I would drive a rangie aswell! Please keep up the good work, more gas guzzlers please!


I have to admit the rangie is a wonderful car to drive, wallops the lancruiser for comfort and drivability. It's just that in the bush everyone has spare bits for Criusers but not rangies.

Anyway back to boats.


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15 Feb 2002
Ormskirk UK, Cabinda, Gabon or Paphos, Cyprus
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Re: Enemas

Just depends on your point of view Colin. The most I moan about the weather is getting soaked in tropical downpours in the rainy season, which is just coming to an end.

My memories of north of Shetland focus on things like umbilical tether changes in February in sub zero temperatures and horizontal hailstones at 35 knots. When I had to go in for a warm up every 20 minutes, no matter how many clothes I wore, and of crying with the pain when wrenches slipped and I hit frozen knuckles. Also of the hottest day of summer when you could venture outside in non-thermal coveralls with just t-shirt, lumberjack shirt and single pullover underneath.

I know that down south in Ekofisk where you work it is much more pleasant. In my job with ROVs we are always stuck on the most exposed bits of rigs and platforms and everytime something breaks we are outside fixing it in whatever the weather. So for me Malabo is a quantum leap for the better, the facilities ashore may be a bit lacking, but do not spend more than about 3 or 4 days per hitch on the beach anyway.

Anywhere south of the Orkneys is bearable in my book, but , most of our N. Sea work is either north or west of Shetland. Hence I opted for Africa, though I prefer Asia when the opportunity arises.




Yeah, OK, so it's an oil-based boat. I bought it second-hand. No electrics or propulsion, other than the wind... and at that, it can still sail faster than the wind... record max. speed something a little over over 30kts.

Twenty years later, the boat still makes folks whoop and holler `til they're horse. It's a Tornado. A sport catamaran. Designed back in the sixties... and faster than the speed of the wind, in good conditions.

My Uncle still has his power-boat, built of "frozen snot" back in the late fifties...

We are trying to stretch the initial investment for all they are worth. No idea how long they'll last. Hope to pass my boat along to my daughters when I die.



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7 Sep 2001
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Re: Enemas

It's just that up here, we don't have to worry about cerebral malaria, berry berry, sleeping sickness (apart from after lunch) and a miriad other nasty diseases, police and army with no control and lots of guns, also the value of human life, plus the very stable governments you have down there???? I was working in the jungle aswell, remember, in Gabon, Nigeria etc. Basically I just had enough of the place!!