Notices to Mariners - Week 50


Well-known member
5 Nov 2002
West Mersea
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UKHO Permanent/Temporary/Preliminary
1. Admiralty Charts To Be Published 28 December 2023 - New Editions of ADMIRALTY SN Charts -
Chart 2052 - International Chart Series, England - East Coast, Orford Ness to The Naze. 1:50,000
Chart 2693 - International Chart Series, England - East Coast, Approaches to Felixstowe, Harwich and Ipswich with the Rivers Stour, Orwell and Deben. 1:25,000 A Continuation of River Stour. 1:25,000; B Ipswich. 1:10,000; C Continuation of River Deben. 1:25,000
2. ENGLAND - East Coast - Depth. Wreck. - This notice is only updating the Small Craft Chart covering the Holm Sand (north of Lowestoft probably because the last edition of the relevant SNC (SNC 1535) included the change. The change is replace the wreck icon and depth 4.7m with just the depth of 1.7m. From which we can conclude that the wreck has been covered by sand. There were a number of revised depths around the Holm Sand vide NtM 956 so I have used the same image but updated it.
3. ENGLAND - East Coast - Wreck. - A dangerous wreck is reported in the River Yare close to the west side of the bank, just above the tunnel.

There was another NtM, indeed there IS another NtM reporting the yellow light buoy W1 marking the shipping Wisbech and Sutton Bridge anchorage in the Wash temporarily off station. BUT the KL conservatory board has reported jsut now that it is reinstalled and s working.

On or about 04th December 2023, contractors instructed by the operator of Civil & Marine Jetty will commence dredging operations at that location.
The location of Civil & Marine Jetty is indicated by the red markings on the chartlet on the usual web page Notices to Mariners . The area to be dredged is the berth box immediately off the berth face and no vessel is to enter this area except those involved in the dredging activity. These dredging operations will be carried out by excavator onboard spud barge DART, which will be spudded down within the dredge area for works. Dredged materials will be removed from the works site by barge. Dredging operations are expected to be complete within approximately 10 days from commencement; operations will be conducted every day except Sundays. Tugs, workboats and safety boats may be in attendance.
2. Update about the survey on the SS Montgomery - 29.11.23 - Notice is hereby given that due to operational delays the hydrographic survey currently underway around the wreck of the SS Richard Montgomery is now expected to be completed on or around the 11th December 2023. Permission for the “Thames Guardian” to enter the wreck exclusion zone has been granted and extended to reflect the new completion date by the Receiver of Wreck.
3. Sheerness Harbour – No.1 Berth - Diving Operations - diving operations are due to take place at Sheerness No.1 berth. As part of the project to remove the existing piles and fenders from Sheerness No.1 berth and then install new berth face piles, a UXO mitigation dive survey is required. Diving operations will commence 4th December 2023 with expected completion on or around 15th December 2023. Divers will enter and exit the water via a man riding basket from the quayside, however, a safety boat will be on site as a secondary means of recovery if required, the GPS MACS dive supervisor and safety boat will maintain a listening watch on VHF Ch.74 at all times. Whilst diving operations are underway all vessels are required to transit the work area no closer than 30 meters from the berth edge. All passing vessels are required to navigate with extreme caution, maintain a listening watch on VHF CH.74 at all times and reduce their speed and wash accordingly. Vessels arriving and departing on adjacent Sheerness berths are advised to check the status of diving operations prior to manoeuvring.
4. PORT OF GREAT YARMOUTH - Breydon and Haven Bridges - Update - Breydon Bridge and Haven Bridge are now fully operational.
Vessels will be grouped together on lifts whenever possible. When craft are to transit the bridge in opposite directions, those vessels going ‘with the tide’ will be given priority.
Haven Bridge Bookings 01493 335522 Call sign “Haven Bridge” VHF Channel 12: The Bridge is only manned ten minutes before a lift and vessels waiting for a lift should seek advice from the Bridge Master if in any doubt.
Breydon Bridge Bookings 01493 651275 Call sign “Breydon Bridge” VHF Channel 12 Lifts for weekends should be booked by 16:00 on Friday or on the previous working day in the case of Public Holidays.
5. Ipswich - Lock Beam Restrictions - Leisure users are advised that the lock will be operating on one gate only from:- Friday 1st December – Monday 8th January 24/7. This work is due to engineering works being undertaken.
The lock will remain operational throughout with beam width restrictions. Further information can be established by contacting ONS on VHF CH68.
6. Ramsgate Royal Harbour - the Ramsgate Approaches Channel buoy No 5, ( 51⁰ 19’ . 56N 001⁰ 25’.91E) in the Ramsgate Approach Channel is now unlit.

That's it.