Notices to Mariners - Week 36


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5 Nov 2002
West Mersea
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ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths. -
Three reductions of depth on the eastern edge of the Whitaker Spit and four around the ‘finger’ extending north-east from the East Barrow Sand. Cutting across Whitaker Spit to and from the Middle Deep perhaps needs a little more care. These changes were prompted by a Port of London Authority survey earlier this year commissioned by the Crouch Harbour Authority. It seems to me the PLA survey on the north-east corner of the East Barrow Sands was deliberately to help leisure users who like to 'cut the corner' round the edge of the sands dropping down to the SW Sunk. See the image at Notices to Mariners


1. Harwich Haven Channel Deepening Project: - Temporary buoy moves:
On or around 29 August 2022 the following navigation buoys will be moved to temporary positions approximately 50m outside their assigned positions to allow for channel dredging. The approximate temporary positions for the buoys to be moved are shown in the table. You can find the table in the above quoted web page selecting the Local List.
2. Burnham: Outer Crouch - Swallowtail West Lighted Buoy
- the Swallowtail West Lighted Buoy in approximate position: 51°39.956 N 001°02.369 E is off station.
Burnham Sailing Regatta 2022 – Sat. 27th August 2022 – Sat. 3rd September 2022 - A higher density of sailing and rowing craft are to be expected on the river during the period. Organisers of the Rowing Craft have been requested to keep the courses outside of the main Fairway and NOT use Fairway Buoys as Racing marks. Mariners are requested to be additionally vigilant and keep a good look out at all times.
River Crouch, Firework Display – Saturday 3rd September 2022.
The culmination of the 2022 Burnham Sailing Regatta will be marked by a firework display on the evening of Saturday 3rd September 2022 at approximately 21:00 hours with an expected duration of around fifteen minutes.
The pyrotechnics will be discharged from a floating pontoon moored fore and aft centered on an approximate position of: 51 37.42’N 000 48.92’E (opposite the Burnham Quayside, CHA Harbour Office). It may be necessary to alter this location on the day depending on weather conditions. There will be an exclusion zone in place centered on the position/pontoon of 200 metres. This will come into force at 20:50 ten minutes prior to commencement of display until its conclusion. Mariners are to remain outside the exclusion zone. A safety boat will be in attendance throughout the display and the CHA HM Launch “Watchful” will also be on location. Vessels will keep a listening watch on VHF Channels 16 & 11.
3. Approaches to King’s Lynn – Hunstanton and North Beach Heacham. - Water Ski Event. - on Saturday 3rd & Sunday 4th September 2022 Hanseatic Ski Race Ltd are running an offshore water ski event at Hunstanton Ski Club, South Beach Road, Hunstanton. The course will be marked by 3 Orange high visibility buoys positioned in a triangular shape and will be in place from Saturday AM until Sunday PM. Mariners are requested to keep a sharp lookout and avoid the area whilst the races are taking place and maintain a watch on VHF CH 16/14. Safety boats will be in attendance during racing. For further information contact race organiser Jason Russell - 07884 001786
4. England – East Coast – The Wash Ports – River Nene - Admiralty Chart 1200, Imray Y9 - Buoy Moves - the following buoy moves within the Nene Ports area of jurisdiction. Below are the new positions.
Buoy BOB Red Can L FL R 5s N52,52.092 E000,14.730
Buoy East Knock BYB East Cardinal VQ(3)5s N52,52.174 E000,14.726
If any further information is required please contact the Harbour Office 01945 588059 or 07860 576685.
5. Ramsgate Harbour - Green Harbour Buoy, East bank Buoy and No 4 Ramsgate Channel Buoy - the Green Harbour Buoy, on the approaches to the Royal Harbour has been repaired as has the East Bank Buoy in the Royal Harbour and the No 4 Channel Buoy on the approaches to the Harbour. All these buoys are now lit.

That's it. Happy Bank Holiday :giggle: