Notices to Mariners - Week 15


Well-known member
5 Nov 2002
West Mersea
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UKHO Permanent/Temporary/Preliminary
1. ENGLAND - South Coast - Depths. -
Two reduction of depth just SW of the Southwest Godwin cardinal. Ample water for leisure craft so unlikely to hinder.
2. ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths. - Two reductions of depth; this monitoring the DW channel on the Sunk Inner area. Unlikely to hinder leisure craft. The image includes a reduced depth vide NtM 1470 previously
3. ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths. - Nine reductions of depth at the Mouse channel side of the SW Barrow knoll. If you are a ‘corner cutter’ round the knoll (e.g. to or from the Princes Channel into the West Swin) it is worth seeing the image. Note the edge of that sand is pretty ‘steep-too’ and the tail has shallowed. Also if you saw NtM 638 earlier this year you will see that the depth almost exactly there has reduced from 4m to 2.7m in a matter of months.
4. ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths. - Four reductions of depth, three on the east side of the Holm Sand just north of Lowestoft and one on the east side of the Mid Corton Sand off Great Yarmouth.
5. ENGLAND - East Coast - Pontoon. - A new pontoon in the River Thames at the Pool, just upstream of the Hermitage Wharf pontoon.
6. ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths. - One reduction of depth in the River Thames, at Horseshoe Corner in Halfway Reach. Unlikely to hinder leisure craft.
1. Thames Estuary - a quite long Notice from the PLA about: NeuConnect UXO Investigation Works. Please see the full details, chartlets and images of vessels involved at: Notices to Mariners Call up the Local List, first item. The Notice is reporting works
on or about Friday 29th March 2024, contractors will commence unexploded ordnance (UXO) investigation works in the Thames Estuary, in connection with the NeuConnect cable project. These works are divided into the Nearshore and Offshore UXO investigation works. The Nearshore package of works will be conducted from jack-up barge SERVER 2 (LOA 48.0m), which is expected to spud down at various locations within the works area and to be moved under tow by tug DUKE OF NORMANDY from time to time. Works will include diving operations, with divers being deployed from SERVER 2; and use of a mechanical excavator mounted on SERVER 2. The Nearshore works are expected to take approximately 16 weeks from commencement. The work is from the Isle of Grain out and along the south side of the Black Deep (so we may encounter them). This includes UXO pretty close to the local of the Mi Amico! The Notices asks: All vessels involved in these works are expected to listen at all times to the relevant VHF channel for London VTS. When UXO Investigations are in progress from any of the vessels identified in this Notice, a 100m Safety Zone will be in force around the vessel. No other vessel is to enter or remain inside the 100m Safety Zone except with the express prior consent of London VTS. At particular times and at particular locations, vessels may be subject to traffic organisation and management carried out by London VTS in order to facilitate safe and efficient navigation in the vicinity of these operations. This may include implementation of one-way working and other measures. If required for safe navigation of large and/or deep draughted traffic, the UXO investigation operations will cease, recover divers or ROVs and relocate the vessel at the request of London VTS. Masters or Pilots who consider this may be required in respect of their ship on a particular passage should communicate this to London VTS at the earliest opportunity so that it may be coordinated with the UXO investigation vessels in advance. Requirements to proceed with caution or at slow speed will be made in accordance with the procedures set out in the Port of London Authority’s Port Information Guide, under ‘London VTS’, ‘Section 4’ with the International Code Flags ‘Romeo Yankee (RY)’.
2. Depth in River Stour channel - the minimum depth in the River Stour channel has now been restored to 0.7m below Chart Datum based on the latest survey data (27 March 2024). You can download 4 pages of chartlets on the above quoted web page - second item. This channel remains subject to future siltation and for the latest information contact Harwich VTS. (VHF 71).
3. Halfpenny Pier Mooring Facilities - The mooring facilities at Ha’penny pier will be open from Monday 1 April to Friday 25 October 2024. The usual long Notices so find all details of times, fees, rules etc third item on the Local List.
4. Dredging Operations at Burnham Yacht Harbour - have now completed their Maintenance Dredging Operations in the approach to and within Burnham Yacht Harbour, Burnham on Crouch, Essex.
5. Harwich Haven - Dredging Operations – Update 2 - dredging operations are taking place as follows:
➢ Medway (IMO: 9524152) – currently carrying out trailing suction hopper dredging operations in Harwich harbour and Felixstowe berths – now extended until approx. 31 March 2024.
➢ C-Force (IMO: 9850305) – currently carrying out plough dredging operations in the main channel near the Cross buoy, around the Beach End area, in Harwich Harbour, the River Stour and Mistley. Expected to continue until approx. 8 April 2024.
➢ Sospan Dau (IMO: 7711062) – will commence trailing suction hopper dredging on approx. 15 April 2024 for around 3 - 4 days. Maintenance dredging will be taking place in the Harwich Haven and around the Port of Felixstowe, with material disposed to the beneficial sites in the River Stour and Orwell
6. Maintenance Diving Ipswich Flood Gates - commencing from Monday 15th April Diving works will be being conducted on the inner flood sector gates in the Ipswich Lock by the Environment Agency. The works will be conducted between 0800 and 1700. The lock will be open to traffic outside of this time. The works will run from Monday 15th through to Friday 19th April. Free flow may be limited Tuesday-Thursday due to the low neap tides and the water not making the level.
These very low tides may also necessitate hourly lock in/outs to maintain sufficient water in the wet dock. ONS will monitor VHF CH68 and can advise on revised free flow timings based upon any tidal cuts or surges being experienced. Times in the Local List.
7. Lowestoft – Gull Wing Construction – Temporary Suspension to Navigation – 5th Update – Gull Wing Channel Restriction Lifted + Operational Protocol - as of today, 28th March 2024, the temporary suspension to Navigation in Lake Lothing, imposed by Suffolk County Council under their principal powers (granted in the scheme Development Consent Order 2020), has been lifted. Navigation through the Gull Wing Construction site can be resumed, subject to vessels and leisure craft following strict protocol listed. There is a lengthy Notice so see the details in the Local List.
8. Approaches to Kings Lynn. Navigation Mark Relit - navigation lighted beacon on the Hunstanton outfall shoreside dolphin Fl.Y.4s. in position Lat 52° 55.900’N Long 000° 28.800’E is now operational.

That's it.