Not fair...


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10 Sep 2001
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Well I believe I've narrowed my choice of boat down to a twin petrol Sunfury. I found one I liked at the right sort of price, me and her ladyship discussed it, the short person even chipped in. He always said he liked the 2nd boat which was the one.

What to offer, well we settled on opening about 12% below asking, a fair amount of interest was being shown in the boat but hey - why start at the top?

To find the owner has gone off on a a weeks or so hols with no contact numbers. So I don't know where my offer stands, I'm ready to pay the 10% and to commission surveys etc.. VERY FRUSTRATING.

So its back to the web and looking for other boats...

Barry D.


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16 May 2001
By the Sea
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Be careful of this emotive time. Buying boats can easily lead to wearing of rose tinted glasses!! If the "owner" has toddled off then look for another one, this time of the year it's your marker remember!

Good luck



Re: You\'ll be sorry..

I would have thought after all the advice you've been given, you'd have at least gone for diesels. Still, it's your money, but I can't envisgae any circumstances where I'd buy a petrol boat. I think I'd rather be without, than have petrol. Next posting will be "who knows about converting to LPG"

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by colin_maslen on Tue Sep 25 10:21:11 2001 (server time).</FONT></P>


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16 May 2001
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Re: I don\'t agree...

my first boat had petrol and loads of folk told me I was mad, but I knew that I would not be stuck with it for life - I could (and did) change when I felt ready. Sure petrol is expensive, but the initial outlay is low. It's safe if you take the right precautions and cause the boat offers good value it's not that hard to sell.

enjoy the boat - survey/offer permitting and if you're like the rest of us, you'll find loads of reasons to upgrade the boat in the future, petrol engines or not!!!!


Re: You\'ll be sorry..

Personally, I would rather have my underpants filled with hornets, and be made to crawl over broken glass until I can afford a Leopard 23, than be seen in anything that floats, or may be construed to float until that time.

I hereby renounce my former heresies, and wish to publically atone for owning three petrol powered boats in the past. I acknowledge the error of my ways, and promise never to try and upgrade to a bigger boat again.

If anyone would like to come and relieve my of my present boat, I will go and buy a narrow boat (diesel, of course), and become a ditch sailor.

AWWW, guys, leave the bloke alone!


16 May 2001
UK -Berks
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Re: You\'ll be sorry..

If you are going to get a narrow boat you'll have to get the three B's to go with it.... a bobble hat, beard and B.O.



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10 Sep 2001
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True its an emotive time, as a family we are ready to play and meet this litle set-back. Oh well. I will keep hunting.

As for petrol over diesel (it's been done to death people) - rationale petrol boats are cheaper to buy and therefore easier to get into, less financial risk in the hobby and easier to get out of at the right price. Power / Performance is the same, running costs are higher, I'd love a twin diesel but they start at £34K plus for the similiar boat that I can find around the £20K mark. Sure I might spend £5K per annum in fuel (assuming I can find any) but I can cope with that as a running cost.

Safety aspects - OK petrol is flammable but that just means a different set of precautions need to be taken. Twin over single, well I guess a single diesel and a spare outboard might be OK - but as a novice I want two engines on line all the time not only for safety get you home stuff but also for manouvering - it's twice the size of my car - I know I will look a pratt about once a mooring session - but all the day skipper stuff relates to twins. Hence twin.

Be happy for me - a new novice at the bottom end of the scale, someone to off-load your boat onto in later years and someone to be enticed by the builders into one of their new toys...

AND once again thanks to everyone whose helped so far, I've taken it all on board and made my decision with what I know. Not ignored anyone just gone my own way.

Hopefully - if the seller ever comes back from his hols. Now where can I go this weekend to look at boats...

Barry D.


Re: not fair...

ooh but if he's on his hols mebbe it's a good sign that the guy has given up trying to sell? So next week drop your offer cos you've seen others. Incidentally, I wd start at at least 20% under. However, I wd also buy it anyway if he sed sod off no discount, and um there was that time when I bort a convertible car at a premium cos it was June. So don't listen to me.

Ooh isn't this exciting! Just buy anything, and tellus all about it. I did. Oops.

However, I will now have to get special broken glass-encrusted welcome mat for GW's visit, shoes off *IF* you don't mind, hehe. Or maybe I could make one, using some stuff that looks a bit like glass...


Re: broken glass

Can't Leopard supply a suitable one? Hand crushed, lead crystal, perhaps? Anyhow, it's symbolic, more than anything, since I replaced my feet with plastic ones I made from some stuff in B&Q.

Barry, go buy a damn boat! We all want to come and play (well, those who still have boats - have you diosposed of the T48 yet Matts?)


Re: t48

An ideal starter boat. But it's sold, and in the med, and (urgh) awful horrid nasty smelly diesel, not nice lightweight zoomier petrol. And petrols are the ideal choice for not having to wait for ages as everyone else fills up with diesel.

Oh, and it's crawling over the mat, I believe. Not walking.


Re: matts\' mat

OK, I was planning to make myself some new knees anyway. Should I bring my own hornets?


Re: matts\' mat

real hornets please.

Otherwise it'd be "I'd rather crawl on my plastic-protected hands and knees over some fake glass, with simulated hornets in my underpants" which isn't very much hardship at all, really.


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10 Sep 2001
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Re: matts\' mat

Matt - Exaclty how much bitters are you adding to the pink gins these days? I prefer about 12 drops, from your posts I'd say you're onto a shot glass per gin. It's not 1-1 stuff you know!

Barry D.


Re: matts\' mat

They're real underpants, you know. In the wrong hands, real underpants can be deadly. Now pass me another glass of meths, please, reality's beginning to get to me...


Re: aha, truth is out

I understand why you don't give a monkeys bout the petrols/diesels. It's just an essential part of G+T imbibing.

In St Vaast once, we helped a saily boat in, and keen not to have any of that powervsail we invited them over for G+T. They were v pleased after long trip for nice ice and G+T, and they were jolly friendly. Anyway we got on really well and had lots of G+T, the only downside being that we all entirely forgot each others names , and they had to go at 5 am next day to catch the tide. So no idea who they are whatsoever, and of course can't remember what they looked like or name of boat.


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10 Sep 2001
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Re: aha, truth is out

Curse foiled again, how did you know? As in tin foiled that is. Prehaps you might post onto the saily forum would the chap who nicked my cuttlery after drinking all my gin please own up?

Barry D.


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11 Jun 2001
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Re: Boating and Petrol

I have had a Fairline Mirage for 3 yrs, Got twin petrols, Volvos, never had an ounce of bother and very quiet and smooth, no fires, no hassle just a bit hard to get hold of petrol, but with 112 gallon capacity, who gives a shit, only fill it up once a season, Have fun matey, we all have to start somewhere and anywhere is ok,
One point to remember, why dont they make diesel outboards, yes i know someone did once but it was just well ........., will leave that one with you, safe boating



My second boat was one of these. Get out and have some fun then in a years time when we all trade up you'll be there to do the same. With regard to the Sunfury DO NOT consider one with the 171 engines. They have far more problems than the 151's and the bits are dearer. You do not need the extra performance (cost of petrol) you'll cruise all day comfortably at 20 knots. Good luck finding your boat.

Deleted User YDKXO

Congratulations, Barry, on having identified the object of your desire. If the owner's twat enough to go on holiday direct after the Boat Show without being contactable then he does'nt deserve you or any other keen buyer. Drop your offer to -20% and then start negotiating; you can always go up but you cant go down. Tell the broker you've seen another cheaper one equally as good
If the owner is unreasonable, walk away. Remember, winter's coming and sellers become more desparate. You dont really need to own a boat over the winter and you've got plenty of time before next spring