No more shouting!


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25 Nov 2002
South East Uk
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Sorry if this is a bit PBO but....for anyone out there whose engine noise is higher than they think it should be, invest a little time in sound deadening. I can now vouch for it! I discovered 2 holes above the engine bay bulkhead approx 2' sq in area each which have been letting huge amounts of noise escape under the cockpit sole and even to the cabin. I scribed in 2 ply infills, painted and covered in Halyard sound deadening along with most other large uncovered areas. The noise is now reduced to the point I can hear the spray at the sides of the boat and dont have to shout at my passengers!

Why do so many boats have such huge voids left open for sound to bounce around? Its probably taken me about 4 hours to do including new hatch seals and cost about 150 quid. The boat now sounds a lot less 'mechanical' and feels smoother and less stressful to drive. Well worth the time.

How well insulated are the more modern boats? would be interested to hear.

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Active member
27 Feb 2003
Hampshire, UK
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I'm not familiar with Halyard, is it one of those 1" thick foamy ones? I put some cheapy mail-order stuff on the engine cover a few years ago (rather different installation to yours I think!) and must have knocked 3dB off the engine noise (i.e. half). Its main recommendations were (a) self-adhesive, even in my grimy engine bay and (b) cheap (about £20).

My hearing has now recovered to the extent that I am thinking of increasing the noise insulation and extending it to under the cockpit floor. I have more money to spend this time and I suspect that I would benefit from advice from someone with bigger engines. Am I right in thinking that a lot of this stuff is self-extinguishing as well?

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