new upholstery/foams


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18 Nov 2004
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nearly completed templates for new foams to bunks and backs etc
got a reliable foam supplier recommended in telford -but since we live in east lancs anybody know of good foam suppliers locally and also suppliers of a 'microcare' type covering material which will be good enough for marine environment-we are 20 miles north of manchester-thanks


Well-known member
13 Jul 2002
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I hope you are cutting the foam a little larger than the finished cushion sizes to make it a good tight fit. General guide ... if you can get the foam into the covers without too much difficulty it's too loose! I ought to be able to specify the amounts by which it should be oversize but I forget. Long time since I did my upholstery course.

Use a firm grade of foam for the cushions if your cushions are not 5" or more thick but a softer grade for the backrests.

I bought my foam from Foam for Comfort


New member
10 Sep 2004
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I hope you are cutting the foam a little larger than the finished cushion sizes to make it a good tight fit. General guide ... if you can get the foam into the covers without too much difficulty it's too loose! I ought to be able to specify the amounts by which it should be oversize but I forget. Long time since I did my upholstery course.

[/ QUOTE ] You mean that fight which ends with two people and the dog on the cabin sole wedged under the bench cushion which has half the foam jutting out and jammed beneath the ceiling... the contents of the table now rolling about the galley floor, the barometer once screwed to the bulkhead missing among the debris for the remainder of the season...

Is meant to happen?? 'and' means she made the cushions properly, dear god, no wonder we only wash them around twice a season