New Record Set


11 Jan 2002
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I note that after the fishfarm incident, they had to go back outto the fish farm to the point from wher they were towed, drive back into valetta, before setting off again.

The timing officiators must be even more miserble gits than me. I will try to be a bit more positive. I'm positive that I have seen no S****N stickers. Should have given them t-shirts instead. Or hats. Or sunglasses.


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6 Oct 2001
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To go with the Raymarine Iridium etc etc ones they already have, nah if it gets seen then so be it but the stickers are around the fuel fillers, Clive will need to change the lens for a wide angle to get more of a chance to get them in.

At the end of it if they beat the record then it will be another record that Soltron will have contributed to. Thats what sponsorship is all about.



Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Re: What made record

Ahem I would not dispute that Soltron was in the tank when the record was set but that does not mean soltron "contributed to" the record. I mean, there could have been a teacup of cat's piss in the tanks as well but that wouldn't have "contributed". For something to "contribute to" a record it has actually to do something, imho? :)


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30 May 2001
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Cats piss = leopards piss

Surely that's what you meant jfm, seems far more appropriate in more ways than one!

And probably more of it! <G>


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11 Dec 2001
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Re: Cats piss = leopards piss

Notice that they had tio change the filters due to water and crud in the tanks causing the engine to run rough. Isn't that what Slutrot cures?

But good luck to them anyway, though they seem to make a big thing of averaging 20knots on the Malta to Suez leg. Doesn't that seem a bit slow? Anyone know what C&W's average speed was when they claimed the record?


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6 Oct 2001
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Re: What made record

Of course it does something, it enables them to get across the Atlantic without running out of fuel if it didnt do anything then why would he use it? So the Raymarine equipment might not aswell be there as they do not contribute especially as they dont use all of it all of the time eh eh? <BG>

BTW where were those facts on your Soltron test you were gonna show me? ;-)

A contribution is a contribution and if the cats pee makes it go farther then stick a brand name on it bottle it and sell it I say ;-)


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6 Oct 2001
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Re: What made record

Ok Ok I see whats going on here gang up on Dom time. The fact still remains it is being used by SOC and when all is said and done they will be registering Soltron in the Guiness Book of Records and not cats pee and basically thats all that matters. I can say that the product I recommend was used in breaking a World Record, what other additives for marine use can make that claim. Fact is fact.

Joking aside I find it most amusing the amount of stuff you guys can come up with to poke fun ;-) Carry on, if you stopped it would make this forum more boring than it is now, at least it gives the others something to read



11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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World\'s Most Overrated Fuel Additive

The world's most overrated fuel additive is Soltron. This is variously claimed to improve mileage by 10% or more, and to clean fuel tanks of sludge somehow. If the tanks remain sludgey after use, then the claim switches to improved mileage, and vice versa.

There is no scientic evidence for this, but the vendors retort that there isn't any evidence AGAINST the claims, which is like claiming that undetectable bogie men roam the streets all night.

To date, not one world record holder using a diesel engine of any kind has attributed any value to Soltron, nor apparently used it.

Alan Priddy hold several world records, but none apparently were made using any Soltron. For his current RTW atttempt, he's been paid to use it and say nice things via sponsorship, and he is unfortunately miles behind the pace. He has also increased the number of legs to shorten the longest leg from his initial plans, so even he doesn't believe that it'll do much good, and it would seem that it might even make things worse.

Nonetheless, according to believers, Soltron is absolutely fabuolous, and the less evidence there is to suport the idea that it does anything almost seems to increase the near-religious belief in its wondrous and unlikely powers, never proven in any large-scale test. Soltron is not recommended by any significant engine manufacturer or boat builder who hasn't a vested interest such as making a few quid from sponsorship revenue or advertising revenue.


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5 Mar 2002
Cote d'Azur
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Re: World\'s Most Overrated Fuel Additive

Wow, that's what I call a flaming!!!

Surely Depsol must have some facts to counter this.........eerrr.


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16 May 2001
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Solly saves the day, or does it?

Dom I gotta say you are massively indoctrinated mate! "it enables them to get across the Atlantic without running out of fuel" wow that's quite a claim (and erm a bit unsubstantiated) and I liked "if it didnt do anything then why would he use it?" - I think there are plenty of answers to that, like HE WANTS THE MONEY - if Leopard's Piss Limited gave me a few thousand £££ and some stickers I would put their piss in my fuel tanks. As you say, fact is fact, but unsubstantiated claim is unsubstantiated claim. Oh and Lizzie's Merc is still blamming along at 20.4mpg with/without Solly (that's the only substantiated claim on this whole thread!!) <G> imho and :)


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6 Oct 2001
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Re: World\'s Most Overrated Fuel Additive

There you go again Matt blabbing on about something you hardly know the real facts about. I have not paid Alan a single penny got that NOT ONE RED CENT so that stuffs that theory into a nice little orifice. If wrong was represented by people you'd be China ;-)

I sponsored Alan 20 litres of Soltron to see him RTW thats it, no cash and he even paid for the stickers to go on the boat, not that it is any concern of yours how I run my company.

Alan Priddy hold several world records, but none apparently were made using any Soltron..WRONG if you read, he got the transatlantic record using a diesel engine and using Soltron. Name a world record (marine) that used an additive that contributed towards its success please.

Soltron is not recommended by any significant engine manufacturer WRONG it is but you are not privvy to that info. In fact three engine manufacturers are currently reviewing info in order to approve its use and one of those would certainly upset you when they do.

he's been paid to use it and say nice things via sponsorship, and he is unfortunately miles behind the pace WRONG as I have prev said he has not been paid to use it and he is not miles behind the pace as they planned to do this in 60 days but I thnk youll find the record is around 72 days. Alan uses it as he knows its effectiveness will help him otherwise for no financial gain why would he use it?

He has also increased the number of legs to shorten the longest leg from his initial plans, so even he doesn't believe that it'll do much good, and it would seem that it might even make things worse WRONG he shortened the legs so he could run lighter and therefore faster. A bit like grand prix pit stops sometimes it is quicker to stop twice than once! Also by visiting more places you end up by getting more sponsorship as each leg is sponsored therefore more legs more money.

the less evidence there is to suport the idea that it does anything almost seems to increase the near-religious belief in its wondrous and unlikely powers, never proven in any large-scale test WRONG It has had lots of large scale tests but your definition of large scale test could be different to anyone elses, it usually is as you wait for 'after the fact' and then criticise them. Large scale fuel testers and manufacturers and POWERSTATIONS are using it and providing results. I dont think the SONY CORP would be using it for their religous belief duh!

There is no scientic evidence for this, but the vendors retort that there isn't any evidence AGAINST the claims WRONG it has been lab tested by Queens University of Belfast and proved that its claims are reality. And before you ask they werent paid either.

Stick to posting stuff about bars in the Med Matt it makes for much better reading ;-)


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6 Oct 2001
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Re: What made record

Volvo warranty guy over tomorrow to see why a oil cooling pipe in the base of the engine snapped causing the piston to overheat on the exhaust side etc etc. will post more as soon as I know.



Well-known member
12 Mar 2002
Re: 30 - Love, second set

Give the stinkies a second chance I thought, lets see what they are idly chatting about today. Bloody hell, no wonder you make such big wakes!!!!!! We have three cats and they currently piss all over the flat, so if any of you want to buy some we have loads of the stuff. It really stinks too, is that why they call you stinkies? I can have stickers made too if you like.



11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: Commercial break


1) Before, you only casually recommneded the stuff. It turns out that you run a company that sells it. You sell so much that you actually have enought to give away 20 litres, for advertising. It IS of concern to me that you inveigle your way onto a non-commercial BB with sideway "recommendations" of this product. Whatever I say, you won't say "ah, yes, I see, my recommendation must have been wrong" - because it's you have a vested interest in it. You've got loads of stock.

2) You again say that there's loads of evidence, and call me names. But we haven't seen any evidence. We've seen me and many others called all sorts of names. I'll happily change my mind if there's solid evidence. So far, there's lots of name-calling, no evidence. Why would a university (they're all dead clever in universities, you know) be able to concllusively test this "in a lab"? How many diesel engines under what conditions and for how long did they run whilst using using this stuff, and NOT using this stuff, as a control? If they were in a lab, then it couldn't have been too many, could it? How about a company whose job it is to perform research to scrape every last ounce of performance out of an engine, such as Ricardo on the south coast? Have they tested it?

3) You say that the well-known engine manufacturer Sony might be using it. But they haven't said anything.

4) You say that other engine manufacturers are considering it. It's their job to consider things. But as with the "scientific evidence" we'll just have to take your word for that.

5) For Priddy, if the fastest way RTW was without stopping anywhere, he'd do that. Grand Prix cars can go staright round the 72 ish laps and used to do so - the current rules dictate that they must stop. It's a world record attempt. Not a global maritime fish-farm protest. (er , I think?) His strategy was to go at a steady speed rather than do loads of stops, cos he can't crack 40 knots. Would he have gone to Valetta at night if he's had range to continue? Bet he wouldn't.

6 ) Racing or otherwise, would it have been wiser to slow down when coming into an unfamiliar port at night, perhaps to 10 knots instead of 30 knots for the last 3 miles, costing a princely 14 minutes? Yes, it damn well would have been.

7) shows us the facts, show us the facts, show us the facts. If you don't, I would say that any soltron-based postings from you to be wiped. They constitute commercial advertising, nothing less.


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6 Oct 2001
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Re: Commercial break

Here I am again wasting more time with you again and what for, for your childish enjoyment to have a pop at someone and a product you know nothing about.

Now lets get this straight, Yes I do sell Soltron it is part of the business I run fuel testing and problem solving related to fuel and storage. We also do boat covers and rebuild / balance prop service by taking in the broken item and replacing it immediately from stock. So I just dont go cold calling selling the stuff. It comes part and parcel of my business as 70% of the problems I fix are to do with the bug or sludge. I only mentioned that Soltron did this and Soltron did that when I first joined this forum as a recommendation, its people like you that had me getting into the finer points of this that and the other. Now I have taken all the criticism and gestures and had the fun poked out of me for it, which I have taken on the chin and thought it was a bit of fun myself but then you get some @h0l35 that want to go a bit too far.

Look just face it there is alot of info you dont know about the SOC attempt and prob never will, there is also alot about Soltron (the company) and what it does that you will never know mainly cos you are not interested and secondly cos you are not allowed to know. I only get this inormation cos I reciprocate my test results for info that they have.

Once again I challenge any one on this BB to stand up and say honestly that I have sold them Soltron. They can't so as for your vested interest theory you can shove it cos unless I am making money from being on here I dont have a vested interest and if I found a product better than Soltron then I would use that for my customers and recommend that instead but I havent. Also what I do with Alan Priddy has sod all to do with you, Alan has been coming to Guernsey for years to do offshore powerboating and if I decide to help him out with a product that is going to help his cause then so be it. The finance where i get the Soltron from and all the finer points that you have no business knowing about has got nothing to do with you at all. I helped two parties to get what they need and at the same time strengthened my relationship with those two parties. Are we clear now?

1) Before, you only casually recommneded the stuff. It turns out that you run a company that sells it. You sell so much that you actually have enought to give away 20 litres, for advertising. It IS of concern to me that you inveigle your way onto a non-commercial BB with sideway "recommendations" of this product. Whatever I say, you won't say "ah, yes, I see, my recommendation must have been wrong" - because it's you have a vested interest in it. You've got loads of stock Wrong I do not have loads of stock I keep enuf around for what I need. When my relationship with Soltron strengthened I ended up supplying to a) My FIL and b) a chandler on the Island as they wanted it in small measures and the main company wasnt willing to decanter it for them and as I buy in UN containers for shipping purposes it was easier for me to do it.

2) You again say that there's loads of evidence, and call me names. But we haven't seen any evidence. We've seen me and many others called all sorts of names. I'll happily change my mind if there's solid evidence. So far, there's lots of name-calling, no evidence. Why would a university (they're all dead clever in universities, you know) be able to concllusively test this "in a lab"? How many diesel engines under what conditions and for how long did they run whilst using using this stuff, and NOT using this stuff, as a control? If they were in a lab, then it couldn't have been too many, could it? How about a company whose job it is to perform research to scrape every last ounce of performance out of an engine, such as Ricardo on the south coast? Have they tested it? WRONG if you could be bothered to get a copy of the report yourself instead of wasting time critising it then you could have read it by now, also KLEBRETT(sp) on the south coast have tested and are the people who do testing for the CAA.

I didnt say Sony might be using it I said the Sony Corp are using it. As for engine manufacturers that is privvy information, ever heard of confidentiality? And yes you will have to take my word for it if you dont beleive me I dont care tats your choice!

And as for Alan and his crew what they do and how they do it is up to them and I am not here to answer for them just to interprate what I know against what happened, hindsight is great so why did your motorbike catch fire then? Are you saying you never make mistakes?

Show you the facts, if you want them I'll fax them to you but again I'll not start answering on the test data provided by someone else if you dont like these facts why not, for a change. ask them yourself about the bits you dont like.

At the end of the day you aint gonna use the product so why bother with this fiasco altho when you pay your electricity bill some of that goes in Soltrons pocket ;-)

BTW who died and made you GOD of this forum that you can dictate what is allowed and what is not. If Kim wants to pull it or ban it then so be it, but thats his decision not yours! I only say try Soltron when I am then asked for further info I give it to the best of my ability that is not commercial advertising. It is you and some others who are causing the constant plugging of Soltron by attacking it all the time causing more questions to be asked and further plugging of the product by your probing. So if I am asked about it how can that be commercial advertising?