jamie N
Well-known member
My original mast finally became unserviceable back in March, and I had the task of finding a new one. Being based at Inverness does place another hurdle in place, that's the price of transport from manufacturer, which made me think towards a more local alternative.
I approached Johnson & Loftus in Ullapool, who told me that they'd do it, sure, but I'd have to wait until November for them to get started!
They did give me an option of trying someone else at Isle of Ewe boats.
OK, if one's going to recommend a 'rival' builder, then that's an endorsement on its own.
I contacted Alasdair Grant, who is Isle of Ewe boats, and he quickly gave me a price and time after a small discussion. I took the old mast to him, we finalised a few of the details that are a bit 'individual' and shook hands.
The mast arrived yesterday, and is a work of art; it's perfect. I asked for a couple of things to be done for me, such as all the holes through the mast for the hounds etc., to be pre-drilled and to have been 'soft' fitted, so that I'd be able to give the mast a coat or two of varnish before fitting it out.
Of course the drought has now passed up here, and I'll not be able to varnish until the weekend, but (having paid the bill), if I was wanting the same again, I'd make the same call.
Any grumps about it? Not really, they contacted me when they'd something to tell me, which some might be uncomfortable with, but didn't phase me.

The new one's the one on top, by the way.........
I approached Johnson & Loftus in Ullapool, who told me that they'd do it, sure, but I'd have to wait until November for them to get started!
They did give me an option of trying someone else at Isle of Ewe boats.
OK, if one's going to recommend a 'rival' builder, then that's an endorsement on its own.
I contacted Alasdair Grant, who is Isle of Ewe boats, and he quickly gave me a price and time after a small discussion. I took the old mast to him, we finalised a few of the details that are a bit 'individual' and shook hands.
The mast arrived yesterday, and is a work of art; it's perfect. I asked for a couple of things to be done for me, such as all the holes through the mast for the hounds etc., to be pre-drilled and to have been 'soft' fitted, so that I'd be able to give the mast a coat or two of varnish before fitting it out.
Of course the drought has now passed up here, and I'll not be able to varnish until the weekend, but (having paid the bill), if I was wanting the same again, I'd make the same call.
Any grumps about it? Not really, they contacted me when they'd something to tell me, which some might be uncomfortable with, but didn't phase me.

The new one's the one on top, by the way.........