New member
I decided to take the gooseneck fitting off the mast to check on the state of the aluminium beneath and there wasn't any, well not enough to hold the sails up anyway. The local riggers and a surveyor both agree that it's beyond repair so Take Five now needs a new mast. I only just found out and I think I'm in shock. Having survived the fractured skin fitting disaster of last summer I was kind of hoping that this winters refit would be a simple one!
The riggers are getting me a couple of quotes but I was wondering if any of you forumites have any ideas about how to do this er.....cheaply. The mast is around 40' long, keel stepped.
Do you think I could get anything of the surveyor who did the survey when I bought her in May last year?
By the way if anyone needs a black anodised mast that's about 32 foot long just let me know. I'm sure I can saw the old one off above the rot!
I decided to take the gooseneck fitting off the mast to check on the state of the aluminium beneath and there wasn't any, well not enough to hold the sails up anyway. The local riggers and a surveyor both agree that it's beyond repair so Take Five now needs a new mast. I only just found out and I think I'm in shock. Having survived the fractured skin fitting disaster of last summer I was kind of hoping that this winters refit would be a simple one!
The riggers are getting me a couple of quotes but I was wondering if any of you forumites have any ideas about how to do this er.....cheaply. The mast is around 40' long, keel stepped.
Do you think I could get anything of the surveyor who did the survey when I bought her in May last year?
By the way if anyone needs a black anodised mast that's about 32 foot long just let me know. I'm sure I can saw the old one off above the rot!