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7 Sep 2004
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Re: Wrong name

What do you read it for then? - I guess that you must be doing so to find it irritating.

I am 12,000 miles away so even more "culturally" /forums/images/icons/smile.gif removed from what you are calling the "in crowd" and it doesn't trouble me - if it is something I am removed from so have no idea what a poster is referring to, or if it is boring, I just don't read it. In amongst it all are some gems - I suggest all it takes to remain non-irritated is an open mind and sensible use of the right hand mouse button.


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30 Jun 2004
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I'm a relatively new user of LBW and I have to say that I like the mix of NB and B. It personalises a potentially dangerous liason with blandness.
Keep it as it is and I promise never to tell another fib for as long as I may live. I will also cease from cursing and if Tug Boat is your grandfather, he will be very pleased to hear this.

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Re: Wrong name


I would agree with you as I usually do if the pie & cauliflower, name calling and scottish schoolboy jokes remained in their own posts. Unfortunately they don't always stay put but jump over and sabotage another post irrespective of whether it is a boaty or a non-boaty one. As I said elsewhere, there are several posters I believe hoist by their own petard in this respect in that they cannot now post any kind of serious question or discussion because if they do it is sabotaged before it gets started, this is not just their loss but a loss to everyone else who might have been interested.

However I think there are other considerations also concerning general forum speed as well as the 'search' function. Currently a search for information on say cruising destinations, sail choice and trim and so on (to my mind YM/SB rather than PBO/R2R topics) has to plough through all the cauliflowers, Fray Bentos, holding tank and foreign language c**p as well which has apparently now seized the system solid. You may be lucky being 12,000 miles away and on a different time zone, because daytime reading/posting here is getting so slow as to be unusable, hence Kim's initiative. I think the idea is that if you remove NB posts to another forum then the search facility will only be looking where the answers are expected and not shuffling caulies which can still be there but in their own trash bin (sorry, forum)

Wish I was there, roll on spring....


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7 Sep 2004
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Re: Wrong name

Hi Robin

I appreciate and understand your point of view.

Just on the speed thing I am a night owl so am regularly on the forum around your middays and early afternoons, and of course your mornings and evenings are no problem timewise 'cos it is our evening or morning.

While there are the occasional hangups and the errors such as the PM one over the weekend I do not find speed to be much of a problem here. In fact I get more speed issues during our afternoon when you guys and gals are all in bed being your wee morning hours but is busy here. I do few searches so could not comment on that.

I suspect that part of the problem is UK national network related and perhaps why I don't get great slowing problems in your busy hours if ybw's servor gets on the network close to an international gateway in UK. Am broadband here but find it no real problem on GPRS when on the boat (about the same speed as as V90 dialup here).



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28 Feb 2003
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Just a thought...

...if segregation had been imposed, would Twister Ken's organisation of the Macmillan charity donations in September been so successful? (it was a non-boaty post)

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13 Jul 2004
New Forest, Great Britain
"it's not democracy unless all interested parties are free to have their say without fear of abuse from others."

I wholeheartedly agree with you there. Perhaps all we need is a little self discipline as suggested by Sybarite but let's keep the humour and NB subjects too.


<hr width=100% size=1>Khyber


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13 Jul 2004
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Patronizing? No I don't think so Robin. As a matter of fact, I learned some good tips from that particular thread which will shortly be applied on my own cabin sole.

I agree with your second paragraph but think there's generally a natural ratio balance. Perhaps a shift is happening at the moment - a mixture of people saying they've had enough and good old self discipline - ooh, pass me the birch!

I'd hate it if Scuttlebutt lost the humour and even some of the "in crowd" threads which can be highly entertaining too - in, as with your good self, MHO of course !


<hr width=100% size=1>Khyber


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Re: Wrong name

Point taken, sorry I've offended you.. no more posts from me .. bye!

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7 Dec 2002
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I posted yesterday - but it doesn't seem to be here now. Anyway, to the effect that:

I quite like the mish mash.
If posts are marked NB then I can decide whether to read them - they're usually more interesting!
The forum doesn't seem slow to me.
Segregation could make it all feel a bit sterile
Wasn't the point of calling the forum "Scuttlebutt" due to the fact that the sailors of yore would gather round it for a quick chin wag about anything.

There you go. I like it how it is.


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16 May 2001
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seems to have worked...

at the end of last week it was all getting a bit silly with a small group competing to see who could start the most banal thread. since this discussion started it all seems to have returned to a semblance of sanity, not even a trace of pseudo dialect.

so the simple answer is - keep this thread going as long as possible as a reminder.

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30 May 2001
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Sorry, maybe I read it the wrong way.

Perhaps the point now is that the last straw has been loaded and the system is buckling under the strain. Self discipline seems to have changed the ratio at the moment but I doubt it has improved the search facility since any search still has to involve sorting through a big tub of archived NB posts.

Maybe the answer might be to rigidly apply the NB note on the title heading and then archive these posts elsewhere after say 1 month. I cannot imagine anyone wanting to do a SB search for 'caulies' can you? /forums/images/icons/smile.gif

BTW I'm not against NB posts, look back through mine an you'll see I make some too, but I really can see how it has gone a little OTT and as I said earlier I have personally met or had PMs from others who feel very strongly about it yet interestingly have not posted any comments themselves, don't know why, perhaps they have simply gone away for a while.

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Re: Wrong name


As you once said to me, don't be so sensitive! I don't think you have offended me at all, irritated yes but I imagine that I get up lots of noses too, so what? Thing is we are all here because of a common interest in things boaty and 99% of the time it is fun, otherwise we'd prefer to be working. /forums/images/icons/smile.gif

Kim asked for comments and it is only fair that all of them get an equal airing, that includes everyone from newbies to shy peeps as well as the in crowd, otherwise there will be quiet voices drowned out by noise from the rest of us (that includes me 'cos I'm not backward in coming forwards spinnaker up and guns blazing...)


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8 Jul 2001
Re: Wrong name

I use a Freeserve Anytime dial-up at a maximum speed of 46kbps and am out on a limb pipe-wise up here in the Scottish Highlands. I have NO speed or other problems with this board at any time.

I would therefore respectfully suggest that the slow speeds etc that people are reporting are caused by something other than a clutter of caulies and fray bentos tins in the wires.

Many of the people reporting problems appear to have broadband access . . . I would suggest that their ISP is the most likely cause of the problem. As in the early days of unlimited flat rate dial-up access, too much competition means many are struggling to compete in a ruthless marketplace with inadequate resources. In due course this will be sorted as many go to the wall . . . but if you are having problems, why not avoid further grief and change your broadband provider now rather than moaning at Kim?

I love this forum the way it is, and if I get bored with the in-jokes I just don't read those posts. If caulis and FB invade an otherwise sensible post it doesn't take me long to skip these irrelevancies when displaying in flat mode and to continue mining deeper down the thread for nuggets.

I think this perceived 'crisis' is being manufactured out of nothing, and hope that it doesn't lead to some of our brighter sparks taking their posts elsewhere, as has happened in the past. If you can't be bothered with Scuttlebut stick to PBO RtoR - the choice is there, so leave SB alone.

Kim, my vote is to leave things as they are. Are you actually counting the ayes and nays? Perhaps a poll should be set up . . . I'm sure the forum software has that facility built in?

- Nick

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30 May 2001
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Re: Wrong name


Firstly I didn't complain to Kim, lots of other people did, but I wasn't one I just left the forum alone when it was bad.

I believe you have away in sunnier climes, the speed problem came to a head in the last week or so and has actually improved in the last few days. Also the speed problems are only whilst accessing YBW and not other sites, they are also accompanied by all sorts of other errors, time outs, multiple posts and so on. I don't think Kim made this proposal just to spite the caulie bashers or the non-boaty posters (of which I am occasionally one) but did it out of a need to solve an actual problem.

I don't disagree with SB being a mix of boaty and non-boaty either, but the keyword surely is MIX. I also don't see why a serious post should get hijacked, why not leave it alone, ignore it like you and others are telling the complainers to do? Fair surely is fair, if caulies don't like serious then just skip it and vice versa!

However, even if we have some self discipline there still remains the problem of a non working search function trying to sift through multiple posts on multiple forums obviously remaining in the database but some of which surely should have been binned? If the jokey stuff wasn't still on file presumably the search would work better, so either segregate non-boaty totally or as I said in another post archive them after say 1 month - no one will be searching for pies and caulies will they?

All IMHO of course but all sides need to make their views felt so that Kim has a chance to understand all viewpoints. I'm just making my view known, others are just as free to make theirs as indeed you have.


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24 Aug 2005
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Re: Wrong name

Point taken, sorry I've offended you.. no more posts from me .. bye!

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still here I see /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif always wanted to know what things were like back then /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif