Well-known member
I normally prefer long tacks but with a handy small boat this is of no particular advantage. The Wallet is some 15 miles long with the Essex coast to the NW. the tide runs at 2+ knots offshore and <1 close inshore. Even with a SW wind blowing straight down against you, the water close inshore is much less bumpy and you will make much better progress. However, as I said, you need to check for depths and obstructions first. The OP will have been approaching Clacton near LW on a falling tide, but with care this isn't a bad route for anyone daft enough to try.I don't know the area, but in general my strategy is to wait for the tide and do long tacks a bit more off the wind.
In case you think this is patronising, my wife and I still share painful memories of our first attempt at the passage, in the other direction and against a strong northeasterly in our 22' Cirrus. This was in 1972 and my wife was keen to get to Swallows and Amazons country. We left Brightlingsea and gazed at the Frinton flats for what seemed like days, with the view changing slightly with each board but never getting any closer, until our children made an executive decision and we turned back.