Tell me about, last year at exclusive dining evenings with Reme Krug sampling special champagnes from his private cellar, this year , reading bloody maritime books and practicing MOB drills in the garden and skint. What a sad man, or so my wife tells me, but she is just fed up being thrown in the bushes (sea) while we go round the garden to get the right angle to save her. It may, just may save a life one day. You can never have enough drills for these type of emergencies. All my crew (my wife) will be trained to a high standard, just the practicals have to be done on land until we get the boat, not too long now. My wife will be so relieved, I guess, that we can then throw her in the sea, as she hates the garden practice. She has her sea survival course in a couple of weeks so will be ready for it.
My wife will be lucky if I let her use a wetsuit, we have to make it as realistic as possible. My son and I are both divers, we will have our drysuits on just in case we have to get in that freezing water. She should be OK, she will have been trained by then anyway. I don't expect her to be in longer than 10 mins at a time. Three runs should be enough at it.
SSR number can be inboard on a plate if you like. Learnt this the hard way in a raggie forum debate. If your going to France, the only real reason to have SSR, then having the SSR showing externally is going to avoid you more paperwork and being boarded if they are in nit picking mode. like flying a courtesy flag, easy to do and avoids hassle..
Just a reminder that the name of the winner will be anounced here at 7pm UTC on Friday 21/3/03. The Champagne prize will then be despatched to the winner.