There is nothing more sensual than putting a bare hand into a swarm of bees. If you don’t alarm them they will let you in up to your wrist - amazing warm vibrating living sensation
I think that ranks on a par with putting a ferret in your pocketThere is nothing more sensual than putting a bare hand into a swarm of bees. If you don’t alarm them they will let you in up to your wrist - amazing warm vibrating living sensation
I'm far too much of a coward - or is it sensible? to put my hand in a swarm of stings, let alone anything else ?I can think of something more sensual...
If you limit yourself to just watching, you may see the scout bees doing their "waggle dance" on the outside of the swarm to indicate the direction and distance to potential hives. Their choice becomes quite democratic. I have seen it for myself and have a book on the subject...There is nothing more sensual than putting a bare hand into a swarm of bees. If you don’t alarm them they will let you in up to your wrist - amazing warm vibrating living sensation
Maybe it was using the resonance to enhance its loud stridulation?We had a cicada take up residence in the boom - very disconcerting.
What was even more frightening was when you looked up the boom a pair of big red eyes peering back.
If they are calm they won’t sting at all - the trick (and I had a bee keeper with me at the time) is to know when they are calm. I had to be showered without any perfumed soap or deodorant and had my bare arm in the sun for a few minutes. Whether that was because the bees liked that or she did I don’t know.I'm far too much of a coward - or is it sensible? to put my hand in a swarm of stings, let alone anything else ?