Motor Boat Chat, conclusions from recent feedback


Active member
16 May 2001
Berkshire, Somerset, Hampshire
Caught up with the feedback on 'Whoa...time to slow down' and concluded that no-one wants to split this forum in two.

Other conclusions:

1) it helps greatly if threads are always headed by clear subject lines;

2) the mix of humour and more factual postings is an essential part of the make-up of Motor Boat Chat but it is a good idea if threads requesting info and discussing more serious topics don't drift too far, especially when posted by new users.

Is that a fair summary/set of goals?


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Its fine like it is. You just cant go around adding rules Kim.
Who do you think you are!!
Wish I could follow the threads though and understand who's answering who. Then I would'nt need to follow useless
twaddle if not wanted.



Well-known member
30 May 2001
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I agree with all of the above, especially making the threads easier to follow, which goes back to an earlier discussion on the forum posting board. Apart from looking at the times of the posts I always seem to end up reading the posts in the wrong order.
Apart from that I also say keep the motorboat section just as it is, I enjoy reading most of what's on there.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Good stuff Kim

Regarding reading posts in chron order, try flat mode, this shows posts in chronological order. Then if you want to see which post each reply relates to, look in the top blue section where it says "Re:.....". Also when you click on a post, it automatically takes you to the posts you haven't read if you have cookies enabled.

Kim, the board does more than facilitate e-postings. Today, BarryD, matts, Dave-s all on board MV2, and Colin, Mrs Colin, Mrs JFM, me, plus assorted JFM-short-persons on board BrayFart, were all out in Solent and all introduced thru this BB! Pity the weather stopped us getting to one place (MV2 stopped at Eastbourne, BrayFart turned back at Selsey, more detail in another post!). But we did nearly convince Colin and Chris to move to the Solent......didn't we Colin?


I like the board as it is now, but not resisting any changes. I've learned from previous exp here that what at first looks awful and a dogs dinner, with a bit of practice can become really good with familiarity. So whjatever you experts decide is OK with me, but I've not got any gripes except I also can't get the replies in flat mode to appear in order either except chronologically and that often messes up the sense and continuity of a thread. Except when Matts posting and then there''s no sense anyway.

Oh how about a FAQ forum for the regular questions we get on stuff like antifouling and painting and chart plotters and PC software etc?

Re moving to the Solent. Almost convinced me john, but the 2 1/2 journey home today would get right on my tits in the summer when it would be best part of 4 hrs? But what a tremendous place to go boating. So many different places to see. Mind you those Hants lot know how to help you empty your wallet don't they? We stopped for an hour in Cowes (after the wimps on MV2 chickened out), and they charged us £5.90 for mooring for an hour. Robin Ba****ds. Great day though. Nearly bought a third of a Phantom too. Guess that would be a Ph and a bit


Well-known member
29 Jul 2001
Just a few cables from Boulters Lock
As the initiator of the 'Whoa...' thread can I chip in with my ha'porth?
Analysis of the posts is illuminating...matts managed to add a whole 1% to his relentless march past the kilopost mark and pauline b and Mike_Elders also contributed in excess of 10 posts each. These 3 were actually responsible for 36 of the 51 posts in the thread!
Only about 8 posts had anything constructive to say about the original topic - the rest were mainly addressing paulines obsession with shoes......(suppose I should have expected something similar - after all there are 6 feet in a fathom!).!
I did say that I was not advocating that we should get all serious all the time but I still feel that there is a strong case for something like a Boaters Lounge (even matts ventured to comment that he liked that idea!) where all the banter could reside and flourish without snarling up the more serious issues about boating practicalities and advice etc.
I am here assuming that the primary objective of the Motor Boat Chat Forum was intended to serve the committed Motor Boat fraternity as opposed to the sail/classic/keelboat/dhingy brigades. On this score one could ask where the PBO forurm is targetted as it appears to be very much cross boat type?
I suppose I'm basically of the view that the right place for all the off topic banter is in the bar/clubroom - not in the middle of the course - and that it should embrace members of all the forums, not just the MB'ers.
I do most definately agree that clearer subject lines should be de rigeur. It is virtually impossible to make a 'view or pass' decision based on a very high percentage of the subject headers. Also, the habit of changing headers at will within a thread would be severely resisted on may of the other forums I belong to.
You could prefix new threads with something like 'SP' (serious please) to indicate that you'd prefer it if the funnies werent allowed to hijack your thread?
Sorry if this is a bit on the long side Kim, but you did ask!


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Re: What a good idea!

Here you are Kim.
Leave us rabble to rant away at will in the most disordally offashions.
Then you make an arcive, or a few.
Like interesting boaty stories place.
And. Boat mendy place, and so on.
Till we've got a bible of all posible boaty topics and answers to all things do do with the sea. Then close mag down and have a rest.



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7 Sep 2001
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For what its worth, I think the forum is fine as it is, leave the serious bits with the fun! it makes it all the better and stops us taking things and ourselves too seriously. Serious questions do eventually get answered, for the most part anyway.


Re: compromises

Elsewhere, and here too it's all a compromise. A straight-laced purely factual BB will die, a hugely ranging chat BB is difficult to search. DaveS has a purposeful sea boat with fab inside, just perfect for Ramsgate, but not so good in hotter climes. Likewise, open boats are a canvas and zipper toil morning and night in the UK, but great party boats if the temeprature never falls below 18 degrees at night.

I like the idea of the achive, hlb's classic toilet humour gone forever. I can't remember the antibes-new york thread either. I posted a posssible idea in the forum forum about marina-related "what's it like in..." but this could be very wide ranging - different info needed.

I do think that the most important of all is a knockabout gentle banter, with larfs and all cockups admitted in full detail. The bigest threat is the seriously loose-cannon unpleasant posters, intent upon wrecking BB rather than constructiveness. Now, ahem, I did actually register once as "hacker_intent_upon_wrecking_BB" and lasted 20 mins. Quite right too.


Active member
16 May 2001
Berkshire, Somerset, Hampshire
Fear not

I'm pretty sure that Byron was referrring to the fact it took me three attempts to get the subject line for this thread reading the way I wanted it to, not an observation on any attempt to change thread headers elsewhere. Save for a bit of tidying in the fuel forum we leave them alone. And there's no new rules being introduced, I just wanted to make sure I had got the gist of your collective suggestions...that's all.


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Re: Fear not

Gist is. Bugger fuel forum but archive forum for good posts, most ergently required full stop!. loosing Matts comments on trip and the exploding toilet is a crime not to be delt with lightly.
Get a life Kim and a site with archive, best award posts or answers. They dont come up that often these days but when they do, its a shame to loose them.



21 Aug 2001
South East England
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Don't fix it if it aint broke.

I always feel that the forum is like a cosy pub corner. You get a bit of info, a bit of chat and you are surounded by people of a like mind. Them as don't fit soon leave the circle.

By the way who's round is it?


21 Aug 2001
South East England
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No such luck got to do "nose to the stone" before play time.

Usually find kindred spirits then to stick together and "don't knows" wander from group to group at parties and gatherings. Just because you stick with the people that have similar interests don't make you a bad person. Its just freedom of choice, I like slimline tonic while others like the fat stuff. Maybe I don't understand their perversion but I dont bar them from the circle its their choice if they leave. People are just another herd animal. They make up their mind which group they want to belong to and stick with it until a better one comes along.

If the people who contribute to this site are not your type, you know where the door is. Try starting your own site and see who comes with you. But don't try to change something that is working well and was doing so, a time long before you started using it.

Most of the people that you are moaning about have a wealth of knowledge and experience that is always on tap to those that ask for it. The banter back and forth is friends interacting and establishing a relationship that goes much further than just pen friends. They are the ones that will stop and give you a hand rather that finding an excuse to get away as fast as possible. They are the ones with nothing to proove. If this click is not to your liking then I hope you soon find one that is. IMHO in leaving you could be the poorer. My advise is, lighten up and go with the flow, learn before you try to change others. You never know you could hear something to your advantage.


Active member
16 May 2001
Berkshire, Somerset, Hampshire
Re: Motor Boat Chat, conclusions from recent feedb

Okay, but the "this is exclusive to us" thing doesn't sit well with me, given that this forum needs to serve the interests of two magazines - a very large number of people. And before any regulars get worried, that's not me flying the wrong flag signals in your direction either...but it would be unacceptable to us to see this forum become very locked down on just a few individuals who were not prepared to welcome others in.