Morris Marine Register



Hi all. I am a new member to this forum and I would like to introduce the Morris Register to you all.
the Register started some six or seven years ago as a very shaky voluntary attempt at supporting owners of the early Morris Marine petrol engines. Later when Tempest Diesels, who owned the remaing original spares, registers and drawings, withdrew from supporting the early engines, the Register was given the said spares, registers and drawings in trust in order to continue supporting owners.
This we now do as best we are able by selling spares and using the income to buy other spares or beg spares through donation. We act as a form of introduction agency when we can to put people with bits to sell in touch with people who want to buy. Should we have any money left over this is promised to the Vintage Wooden Boat Association to help boost their Bursery. So far we ahve not produced any form of 'profit'. It has been invested in spare s/h parts.
The books we have in trust include rare manuals which we copy and sell on and the build data for many of the engines. Sadly this mainly the Vedette and Navigator but we do have some info on the other models. We also have a number of the original workshop drawings which can be used for reference if required. They are still however not catalogued in any way. As I said this is done out of love of these engines and totally voluntarily.
It is also a wonderful history story if you like this kind of thing!
Robin Dunn, Editor, Morris Marine Register.


I have plenty of early carburetters ,including Solex Zenith Su and so on ,also massis of parts as well .

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