More seafaring woes


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13 Nov 2001
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I notice that Rival Bowman are also in trouble [FT last week].
Are second hand prices dropping? I notice several yachts, priced to sell, in autumn boat shows are still hanging around. Are owners being realistic with their asking prices?


Active member
16 May 2001
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That's totally up to you to decide. If a boat takes your fancy your best bet is to make an offer slightly under what you on what you are willing to pay for her. You might get a pleasant surprise. If not then you can always make a slightly higher offer based on the limit you are willing to pay. If that's rejected then it's time to look elsewhere. Every owner , yours truly included , will try to get the best price for their boat , and the advertised price is what the owner would like , not necessarily what the owner will get. What the owner will get is based upon what someone is willing to pay i.e yourself.


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16 May 2001
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and the longer its been on the market the more chance you have of a flexible price unless you get a really stuborn (stupid?) owner in which case walk away.


Well-known member
31 May 2001
'ang on a mo, I'll just take some bearings
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Now is not the time of year when boat sales are brisk. Things will speed up after Christmas, as the new season gets closer. What look like stickers now might move tehn, and vendors are probably resigned to waiting until Jan/Feb before they expect real interest. If they've still got the boat on their hands come Mar/Apr then they might accept low offers.


Over all the boats and years I have 'walked on water' .... little joke there !!!!, I have found that sellers can be flexible in pricing as it gets nearer to winter storage dues ! Once the winter is over and summer is popping around the corner, prices tend to hold harder ... more people looking ....

Now as to my 'system' based on ALL boats I have bought / sold for my own use ...... I have never paid close to asking price, in fact most have been so far below that it is embarrassing to say how low ! EG : Snapdragon 23, asking price £3500, I paid £1050 ... why ? It was blocking his drive and area to extend wifes Kitchen ..... wife wanted it moved !

OK where do prices come from that get on the adverts / stickers ...... others boats adverts generally. Buyers do not help, by looking through magazines and brokers lists - noting average prices and then assume that is the real value. So the high price is perpetuated by generally 'optimistic' sellers thinking their boats are worth far more than reality. Sorry to all you guys out there selling, but its the opinion I have arrived at after many years of surveying / sourcing boats for myself and clients ! It seems to get worse the older and smaller the boat as well, I mean in %age terms real value vs asking price.

So my final advise ...... take the bull by the horns and offer what you 'wish' the guy would sell at ... take the slag-off and leave your phone number ..... If he doesn't call you after 3 days - call him again and revise up a little ...... haggle him DOWN. I can tell you that the Snapdragon owner woke me up 7.00am Sunday morning asking me for the money !!!!!
Remember Brokers will always advise high bids .... their %age depends on it ! Try to negotiate direct with the seller and NOT the broker intervening ......
Now that I have upset many ---- I'll go back to sleep again !!!


Well-known member
18 Jun 2001
In the far North
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Cash helps too - I bought a Corribee in 1977 for £500 less than the asking price by turning up with a bag of cash and saying it was all I had (It was!!) There was much lip chewing and breath sucking but its a brave one who walks away from the sight of a carrier bag full of tenners!
I realise of course that forum members appear to include a fair number of swedish boat owners who would obviously need several carrier bagfulls but the principal is probably the same....isn't it?