Barton Seagoon
I am part of a group looking for something around 30 feet length, probably 35 to 40 years old to fit our budget. The purpose is for cruising, but we want decent sailing preformance so that passage times will be good and we can sail in both light winds and stronger ones. The Westerly Fulmar is well regarded, and we have had a good helpful chat with Roger Clark of Concerto, but do any other Westerlys such as Merlin or Konsort come close? Or how about Moody 29/30/31/33?
I have read many good articles in the forum about their relative merits for comfort and build quality, but how about performance, especialy of the fin keel models? What experience do people have that can enlighten us? I don't think I have duplicated any earlier thread, but please correct me if I have missed one.
Barton (plus Chris and Mike).
I have read many good articles in the forum about their relative merits for comfort and build quality, but how about performance, especialy of the fin keel models? What experience do people have that can enlighten us? I don't think I have duplicated any earlier thread, but please correct me if I have missed one.
Barton (plus Chris and Mike).