Mid life crises and liveaboard friendly marinas in the UK


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18 Jan 2003
Nazare Portugal
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I have a permanent berth in Nazare for last 3yrs.

Since selling our nazare apartment last December we have lived aboard while our new house is being built.

All visiting yachts are effectively livaboards and there are currently 3 that have been here for 3months. Another 2 Swedish boats have just left for marinas further south and one of them has been here for some 12 months.

Keep boat seaworthy and movable (they might need to dredge). Its potted plants all over the deck and a lawn that a bit of a giveaway!! :cool:

Boats not used do often look a mess.


Well-known member
1 Oct 2009
South Coast UK
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Brighton has hundreds of liveaboards, go through the premier marinas web site, request a quote and let them contact you, you'll be fine as long as you follow the golden rule. Eastbourne is liveaboard intolerant, Newhaven or Lady Bee Marina are possibilities but facilities not so plush. Birdham Pool is lovely if they have a space and depending on any work travel commitments you may have. These are just a few of the possibilities that spring to mind, you'll find somewhere, best of luck and enjoy your new liveaboard life...:)


Well-known member
13 Dec 2019
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Look like every other boat and you will blend in.
Cover your boat with bicycles, tarpaulins,gas bottles etc and your boat stands out.
Quite often a boat turns up with a couple moving on to prep the boat for a world cruise or waiting for the right time of year to depart.
Others live on larger boats looking after it as crew.
Size is key as it's easy to hide everything on a larger vessel.


Active member
21 Dec 2014
In the Mud, Conyer
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Newhaven above the bridge is probably OK, in the marina below the bridge they told me they would evict me if I was found to be living aboard. Lady Bee in Brighton had a nominal five year waiting list, when a vacancy came up they start at the top of the list and work down. Not everyone still wants the place when it comes up, or have paid up elsewhere and so the wait can be shorter. I would confirm the figures for Brighton, unofficially I was told to try Brighton when I made discreet inquiries in Eastbourne who don't seem to like livaboards.


Well-known member
17 Jun 2008
Surrey and Gosport UK
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You might find a more tolerant attitude in Gosport which despite its critics as a town probably has more to offer than Eastbourne . Plenty of liveabords can be spotted and are to be welcomed by other residents as eyes and ears on the ground who also keep an eye on the marina landlords activities etc. I did wonder if any marinas had liveabords owners associations ?


Active member
17 Nov 2020
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Newhaven above the bridge is probably OK, in the marina below the bridge they told me they would evict me if I was found to be living aboard. Lady Bee in Brighton had a nominal five year waiting list, when a vacancy came up they start at the top of the list and work down. Not everyone still wants the place when it comes up, or have paid up elsewhere and so the wait can be shorter. I would confirm the figures for Brighton, unofficially I was told to try Brighton when I made discreet inquiries in Eastbourne who don't seem to like livaboards.
If anyone has bothered to ask, when I've lived in marinas that don't allow liveaboards, I was not living there but was a "frequent visitor".


Active member
17 Nov 2020
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Brighton has hundreds of liveaboards, go through the premier marinas web site, request a quote and let them contact you, you'll be fine as long as you follow the golden rule. Eastbourne is liveaboard intolerant, Newhaven or Lady Bee Marina are possibilities but facilities not so plush. Birdham Pool is lovely if they have a space and depending on any work travel commitments you may have. These are just a few of the possibilities that spring to mind, you'll find somewhere, best of luck and enjoy your new liveaboard life...:)
Lady Bee is not the same without Pussy Sweet.