Message Of The Month



It’s lively, useful and occasionally just a bit saucy. They’re the ybw forums – the biggest in Europe- and we are keen to encourage our users’ urge to communicate.

With that in mind, each month the most outstanding and entertaining entry – as judged by ybw’s forum moderators - will win a Ray106e state-of-the-art hand-held VHF. For September, the winner was Peter Hunt’s ‘Dehumidifiers for winter storage.’ This simple message kicked off one and the longest and most interesting debates ybw has seen in a long time. It read…

‘I am planning to winter afloat in a Marina and with the luxury of power would like to run a dehumidifier. The problem is which one, how best to convert it to empty over the side, how many hours a day should it be on etc etc? Anyone with experience of having done this? Yachting press- how about an article?’

The whole thread can be seen at…

Peter, we’ll contact you soon. In the meantime, keep posting!


Active member
15 Apr 2004
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It’s lively, useful and occasionally just a bit saucy. They’re the ybw forums – the biggest in Europe- and we are keen to encourage our users’ urge to communicate.

With that in mind, each month the most outstanding and entertaining entry – as judged by ybw’s forum moderators - will win a Ray106e state-of-the-art hand-held VHF. For September, the winner was Peter Hunt’s ‘Dehumidifiers for winter storage.’ This simple message kicked off one and the longest and most interesting debates ybw has seen in a long time. It read…

‘I am planning to winter afloat in a Marina and with the luxury of power would like to run a dehumidifier. The problem is which one, how best to convert it to empty over the side, how many hours a day should it be on etc etc? Anyone with experience of having done this? Yachting press- how about an article?’

The whole thread can be seen at…

Peter, we’ll contact you soon. In the meantime, keep posting!

[/ QUOTE ]Well, I'll be..... Amazing what one finds when trawling through the archives... OK Dan, what happened to this great idea - a little prezzy for the best "post of the month"?
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


Well-known member
11 Jun 2002
Tesla in Space
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Gone alone with the person that achieved the thread that went over 100. There used to be prizes for that when the forum had a lot less members