Message Of The Month



It’s lively, useful and occasionally just a bit saucy. They’re the ybw forums – the biggest in Europe- and we are keen to encourage our users’ urge to communicate.

With that in mind, each month the most outstanding and entertaining entry – as judged by ybw’s forum moderators - will win a Ray106e state-of-the-art hand-held VHF. For September, the winner was Peter Hunt’s ‘Dehumidifiers for winter storage.’ This simple message kicked off one and the longest and most interesting debates ybw has seen in a long time. It read…

‘I am planning to winter afloat in a Marina and with the luxury of power would like to run a dehumidifier. The problem is which one, how best to convert it to empty over the side, how many hours a day should it be on etc etc? Anyone with experience of having done this? Yachting press- how about an article?’

The whole thread can be seen at…

Peter, we’ll contact you soon. In the meantime, keep posting!


Re: eh? saucy?

Wasn't this someone asking what a dehumidifier does, prompting an argument with some raggies about whether warm air rises or not? And some others arguing that the dehumidifier would try to de-hu the local region through a small ventilation gap - so perhaps there's no point in having heating if room in question isn't hermetically sealed?

Whilst still on the "gosh, Physics eh?" I note KH remarked on the high channel winds in August being a result of an area of high pressure and another area of low pressure. How very strange. What other reasons for "wind" are there there I wonder?

Dear ybw
I am considering buying a handheld vhf. However, I haven't the slightest clue what these are or how they work, I trust that you'll send me one free of charge. A bit saucy of me to ask, but anyway. Oh, and underneath all their clothes, everyone in our office is completely naked! Perhaps this what you mean by "saucy"?


Deleted User YDKXO

Other reasons for wind

Could get into tiresome toilet humour here but I wont but seem to remember from my long haired (alas, no longer) and acne'd youth doing Geography O'level that there are anabatic and katabatic winds as well. Dont ask me wot they are but I believe they depend on rising/falling air masses rather than pressure differences. Where's Michael Fish when you want him, eh?


Re: ah but

That still must be a difference in pressure, which is mass x gravity over area, (he says, also lightly grasping at other long-distant exams) , caused by local temperature diferences which um (aha!) cool the air on the top of the mountain, hence increase density and hence increase the pressure...and hence the air falls down the hill! Whcih is adiabatic. I think the katabtic is antarctic earth-rotation induced. Maybe. where is that M Fish!!??

Anyway, not to worry. I'm just a bit fed up that none of the fun stuff gets a mention. I did enjoy the SAS/army/police joke. Also, I wd think that, naughty though he was, BarryD should get a VHF. Not only is he in great need owing to regular blowups, he increased the traffic severalfold for a little while, worth pots of ad revenue I'll be bound.

Deleted User YDKXO

Re: ah but

Yup, I think we've amply demonstrated our total grasp of this subject.
I thought the Thread of the Month was a worthy winner only spoilt by some twat pontificating about damp air falling due to gravity - I cant think where I've heard this theory before?
However I have to agree that from the point of view of sheer entertainment value Barry D woz well robbed


Active member
16 May 2001
Berkshire, Somerset, Hampshire
Re: ah but

For all of the scientific posturing on this thread, no-one has woken up to the fact that BarryD Bayliner Problems was posted on 2 Oct and this announcement is...for the Sept message of the month. Therefore, perhaps, the judges will still consider DF_Light to be in with a shout; as I don't number amongst them my jaundiced views about staying up into the nether regions tracking is IP address won't, I'm sure count for much!


New member
10 Sep 2001
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Re: ah but

Go on with you Kim, what else would you have been doing in wee hours of the moring if we hadn't set up the Bayliner problems? On second thoughts prehaps you shouldn't answer that <G>

Barry D.


Active member
16 May 2001
Berkshire, Somerset, Hampshire
Re: ah but

No, not until you read me my rights anyway.

Which reminds me, the SAS/Army/Police joke, along with the rest of the Keyhaven boarding party thread, is also in the mix for October. The late lamended DF_Light has stiff competition for a VHF this month. Mind you, if the latter won, would be interesting to see if virtual man could obtain the necessary licences...suspect we all know the answer to that one.


Re: ah but

I should have some follow up on the Keyhaven invasion soon. My mate is getting in touch with that rag and stick chap, Mr Durham, who wanted to get the whole story...


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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The post must exist, never mind the author

Surely if a thread wins it must be there, we must be allowed to see it? I mean if you turn up at the Oscars and they say "Winner of Best Film is XXX but of course none of you has seen it cuz the whole thing was canned by the censors but believe us it was good and you wd have liked it if you could have seen it" you would be pretty narked, no? In which case you wd have to put the DFL thread back on the BB unedited, unexpunged and unexpurgated, wouldn't you?

And if a substantially edited thread won, who wd claim the prize? The author or the editor? Kim? The rules must surely cater for just such an eventuality? Surely Kim?



Active member
16 May 2001
Berkshire, Somerset, Hampshire
Re: The post must exist, never mind the author

I guess if the judges decide that DFL is the boy then, yes, you are right, the relevant thread would have to appear. Actually, given that only one message was ever deleted and that the balance of the great Light's extensive ramblings have survived his virtual demise, maybe that isn't a problem anyway.

Winner announcements always include links back to the winning message, so the full episode can be seen in glorious technicolour. As for being heavily edited, none of the contending threads have been (much as the old subbing instinct occasionally causes the two typing fingers of my two hands to twitch) so it is a non-issue. In fact, rarely if ever edit anything here.

Meantime, who is it to be...BarryD aka DFL or the great Keyhaven police scandal? And there is at least half of this month left, so more contenders might be waiting (and no, that's not an invitation for further spoofs).


Re: Censorship

Still unsure why the DFL stuff went, welsh jokes too. Part of the fun is when someone loses it, in real life or on this BB. You pullem cos you're offended, not us, it seems. Couldn't individual parts of a post be "flowered" out? My kids (9,12) think that the "bleeped" Basset football excerpts are hilarious - does the real thing have the bleeping?


Active member
16 May 2001
Berkshire, Somerset, Hampshire
Re: Censorship

DFL, why did one post go? Struggling to remember now. Think it was probably for his own good, if he had been real. Watched the termerature of posts hit code red and didn't want another Scuttlebutt implosion...your thoughts at the time I think. It's been captured for posterity but off the database (we have subsequently created a temporary sin bin on the back-end for keeping such things now) but if everyone is so fond of it, the post can be reinstated.

As for Welsh jokes et al, well yes it would be possible to bleep the worst excesses out. But flood the system with a whole bunch of stuff that some people had started to moan about and the easiest course is to drop the thread, rather than spend all day like some WWII censor crossing through individual lines.

We don't want to touch anything at all here if we can help it, but there have to be some rules - taste and decency do come into them, not least because you may find that humour of the kind expressed the other day might attract some genuinely bizarre types who will try to wreck this area for everyone.


Well-known member
30 May 2001
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Kim, the Balvennie shot of the week competition does not seem to show any results or indicate afterwards where the location is. No doubt it isl adding to Matts already groaning drinks cabinet, but can someone tell us after the event where and who. Thanks.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Re: Competition - sorted

Thats already sorted LJS. The high chief Mr Beeson at ipc (who BTW mistyped on his keyboard and made a joke at my expense for the benefit of his secy but then mistakenly sent it to ME not her, and was most embarrassed) has promised this will happen starting next week. However no-ones allowed to enter the current competiton becuae so far mine's the only correct entry and I need the Balvenie, OK?



Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Re: Kim, surely it was more than one??

Is that right? I may be misremebering but I thought several DFL posts were pulled and some others edited by you Kim? There was the threat of sinking/torpedo in the early thread then some other abusive ranting too that you edited?



Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Re: Itsa deal

.....either on the BarryD new boat refuel-on-jfm-turned-drinking-on-Barry fest or the big BB LS23/Manumission party in San Antonio, whichever comes sooner.

Is it me or does photo of the week seem to be up more than a week? I just checked my outbox and I entered my answer on 4 october @ 2pm, which is more than a week ago so they should take the pic down to reduce risk (to me) of another entry being made!
