Mediterranean noon to noon average run.


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5 Feb 2022
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I am now running out of time so I am trying to guess whether or not I can still make Gibraltar with a delayed start around mid September.
The thought of removing a toe with cutters gives me the heeby jeebie's so you are made of sterner stuff than me.

But.. Gib gets westerleys from sometime in November. Best bet would be to go with a possibility of stopping in Tunisia or Morocco which should be lighter on the wallet.


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22 Oct 2005
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The thought of removing a toe with cutters gives me the heeby jeebie's so you are made of sterner stuff than
It is more comman than you might think. I have read that there are no Newfoundland fishermen with a full complement of fingers and toes due to frostbite.

There are two mindsets on this. The first is the person reading posts on a forum. Casually reaching for the cutters to remove a finger or toe would be unthinkable. The second is the person who has no choice. Frostbite or a severe infection or injury will often kill the flesh . Left to nature the toe or finger will wither and fall off on its own in due time. BUT. The extremities have very poor blood circulation so gangrene is almost certain.

In my case the toe was black and numb to any pain. It was truly dead. It happened quickly. I used the cutters to hasten the removal of the dead part of the toe enough to start bleeding again. This was actually a problem because I had to tie a plastic bag over my foot to catch the blood so I could use the bunk to sleep.

In pre-covid days a taxi to AE or a doctor would be OK. But they have a built a brick wall around themselves. From a hotel I could fly home but not from a boat.