I seem to have a heap of rusty 3/8 chain in my workshop which would if cleaned be good for the ends of mooring lines, anyone got any ideas how to clean it short of sand blasting?
Drag it behind boat in sand, cleans it up a treat, wash it in fresh water straight afterwards. But it would be better to send it away for re-galvanising, they will clean it up and do it for you, but!! and it's a big but! will it not be cheaper to find some other chain, second hand or new non-calibrated chain froma non marine source?
Bugger it! It's a fair cop guv! Chain ferry indeed! I thought you meant what are the women for! I like mine draped over the decks, makes all the other guys jealous, but you have to feed the buggers aswell. Have you ever noticed, women are always hungry? They don't carry the reserves around there middles like us chaps do.